Chapter 10

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Dear Emily,

We haven't heard from you in a while, is everything alright?

Love, Mum and Dad

Emily Scamander stared blankly at the letter before her and sighed. She had been neglecting her writing duties and was arousing suspicion from her parents. 

She couldn't tell them what was going on but could not cease her letters all together. 

Taking out a quill and a bottle of ink, she began to write.

Dear Mum and Dad,

Sorry for the lack of letters, school has been busy and the teachers have given us lots of homework.

I miss you and the creatures a lot, tell the Niffler not to pout i'll be coming home for the holidays.

The library is nice here, so is care of Magical Creatures Class and DADA.

Love, Emily

Well... it wasn't perfect, but it was a letter she could send.


Newt, Henry, Hazel, Tina, and Alice were helping Credence pack up his stuff to move to the Scamander Cottage. 

"Alright Credence, got your boots? Coat? Trousers? Hat? Everything?" Hazel asked tieing the case shut with some string she had found in the basement. 

"Yes, yes, yes, yes yesity yes yes!" Alice chirped as she held onto his had, she beamed at the boy "Now don't you worry bout a thing Credence I'll visit you every single day!"

 The two friends embraced and said their farewells. 

Henry clapped his hands together and picked up a pouch of green sand. "Alright then Credence, now this is a little thing called Floo Powder we simply take a handful, step into the fireplace and loudly and clearly say where we want to go. Hazel will go first to demonstrate." he explained to the boy. 

Hazel nodded proudly, grabbed a handful of Floo Powder and stepped into the fireplace. "SCAMANDER COTTAGE." She cried out and with the release of her hand containing the Floo Powder and a wave to her family, she was gone. 

Credence's eyes were wide as the figure of Hazel Scamander vanished in an instant. 

"It's like magic..." he mumbled softly

 Henry grinned "It is magic."


It was a cold one at Hogwarts, the first snow had arrived and all the first year students could think about was going out and having massive snowball wars. During breakfast they had already formed teams. 

The God-like Gryffindors against the Righteous Ravenclaws.

 It was the last class of the day and the students kept turning their heads to look at the grand clock in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. 

Once the bell rang signaling the end of the period, some of the students jumped and cheered. Professor Merrythought took fifteen points away from those three students but it didn't matter, there was snow!

 While everyone was tumbling around the Gryffindor common room putting on boots, coats and scarves. 

Emily slipped out of sight and out the door towards her safe haven, the library. 

During breakfast Gerald had asked in front of everybody if she would like to be on his team, flattered she said yes but was met with many reproachful glances from Shirley, Marie, Helen and a bunch of other Gryffindors who had a quiet dislike for her. 

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