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15 years later.....

Emily Scamander, now 26 years old and a budding magizoologist, was walking down a muggle street in london looking for some ink. 

It surprised no one in her family when she announced that she wanted to be a magizoologist when she grew up, her dad was bursting with pride when she got accepted after graduating Hogwarts to a summer program in Brazil where a team of wizards and witches would get to experience a hands on experience out in the wild. 

She learned loads and even got to meet some of the wizarding world's most renowned magizoologist. 

After that summer she had applied for an internship in London and bought her own flat in the city near her work. She was now part of a team at the Ministry where they would go about setting up protective areas for magical beasts to roam and rescuing endangered species. 

During her lunch breaks she would usually meet up with Joan, who was training to be a part of the Department of Law Enforcement (the Aurors.) 

Emily's mother was the one who was mentoring Joan and would often rave on about her constant improvement. "I really believe she'll get the position Em," Tina had said to her grown up daughter just a few days ago when she had visited her apartment. "She just might take Theseus's place when he retires."

As for the rest of her family, her Uncle Theseus and Aunt Clara had done a wonderful job raising her two baby cousins. 

Theo and Xander Scamander were in their fifth year at Hogwarts, everyone seemed to adore them and were well behaved students.... Most of the time. 

They tended to cause a little mayhem whenever things got too quiet. The amount of times they got detention in five years was more than the average student got in eight. 

Clara claimed they got their sense of mischief from Theseus, who pointed out they probably got it from Hazel, who had supplied them with water balloons last Christmas. 

Alice, who had graduated two years after Emily, had a nice stable job working at a cosmetics shop in Diagon Alley. All the clerks adored her and said she was the sweetest girl around. 

Last summer Alice had confessed something to her older cousin. "I don't like working in the beauty store." she had said at about midnight, 

Emily frowned, confused "Why not? I thought you loved it there."

"I did.. But I want to take my skills elsewhere,where I can make a greater impact than making other women look prettier than they already are."

"Okay... so what were you thinking?"

Alice took a deep breath "I want to be a healer." 

Emily raised her eyebrow "Really? But you're legilimency-"

"Sucks to my legilimency." Alice cutted in with a smile "I've already sent in my application forms, and... I've got the job."

Emily smiled widely "Ali... that's amazing! Oh you're amazing, have you told your parents yet?"

"Not yet..." Alice said slowly "I don't know what they'll say... or if they'll be okay with it." 

Emily took her cousins hands and squeezed them "You got this unicorn sister, they'll be ecstatic. I know it. Besides, it's your life. Do what you want with it."

 Alice beamed.

Her older cousin Jamie Kowalski had pursed his life in Quidditch and was now a chaser on the Chudley Cannons. 

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