Chapter 15

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"Alright Em, you got your coat?"






"No Bowtruckle in your pocket?"

Emily laughed and double checked. Just to be sure. "Nope. I'm all set."

Tina gave her daughter a watery smile and brought her close for a hug. "Oh I wish you wouldn't have to go so soon," she sighed regrettably "It feels like you just got back."

"I know... time flies doesn't it?"

"Promise to keep out of harm's way? And stay safe alright no going into dangerous situations."

"You're the one to talk Mum, you're an Auror." Emily said with a quirky smile.

"And a very good one too in fact." Newt said popping out of the case with dirt on his nose and hair in a tangle. 

"Morning Dad, how is everyone?"

"Fantastic, though they are quite sad to see you go."

"Aw, I'll miss them too. I'll miss everyone."

"And you'll miss the train if we don't leave soon." Tina stated taking a look at the large antique clock on the wall. "You ready Em?"

"Just one second," she quickly rushed back into her room and to her bookshelf. Skinning through her collection she stopped and pulled out a small green hardcover book. 

The title was written in cursive gold print, 

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

Smiling fondly at the book she tucked it under her arm and raced back to her parents. "Okay." she said

"I'm ready."


Back at Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore was reading the morning issue of the French Muggle Newspaper.

Young Boy Mysteriously Killed. Police Baffled.

The article stated that an old woman had found the boy, name unknown, fallen on the ground just outside her house. 

Immediately calling the French Police they had discovered no means or signs on the boy's body that might have killed him. 

"There was no wounds or blood, no signs of any type of poison, top notch health, and no shock on his face. He looked, well, hypnotized in a way distracted." says Chief of Police Monsignor Bernard. 

Further investigation will be conducted as well as discovering location of the young boy's parents.

Only one answer to this mysterious case was in Dumbledore's mind. 

Avada Kedavra. 

A spell so unforgivable that it would kill anyone with one flick of the wrist and leave no traces behind. 

Only the body. 

Is it possible... Grindelwald was known to be sighted in Paris. 

But why an innocent child? Why now? Unless...

"Professor Dumbledore?"

His head shot up as he saw the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher smiling down at him. "The students are arriving, it is time for the return feast." she informed him taking a peek at the newspaper article he was reading "Terrible business really terrible."

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