Chapter 21

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Emily and Gerald had been let out of the hospital wing last night and now were free to resume their daily activities as first year students. "Welcome back Miss Scamander." Dumbledore said grinning as Emily walked in. 

She smiled and waved then sat down at her desk. 

Things were returning back to normal. 

Gerald walked in with Shirley, Helen and Marie glued to his hips, he smiled at her and waved. 

Shirley looked at the two of them and scoffed, pulling Gerald's face towards her instead of Emily. Helen and Marie both stuck their tongues out at the red haired girl and smirked. 

Emily raised an eyebrow in response, was that the best they could do? She's seen Pickett do worse.

"Alright students take your seats." Dumbledore said staring fixtadley at Shirley, Helen and Marie.

"Hey," Gerald said sitting at the desk next to her, she blushed "Hey."

"Scar doing okay?"

"Yeah, I can barely feel it now. How's your leg?"

"Good as new." he said grinning, a dimple appearing on one of his cheeks.

Emily bit her lip nervously, there was something she'd been meaning to ask him "Hey.. um. About what you're Dad said... about you exchanging schools...?"

Gerald waved her concern off with a flick of his wrist "Awh don't worry about a thing. Father didn't remember a thing, about.. That night. It's good. I'm staying." he said starting off confident but slowly becoming slightly vulnerable. He shook it off and gave her another one of his charming smiles "Besides, you would miss me too much."

"I would not," Emily huffed, blushing.

"Yes you would."


"You sure Scamander?" he asked playfully using her surname. 

She laughed "I bet you would be the one who would miss me. Not the other way around mister."

Before Gerald could reply, Dumbledore began the lesson and all the young boy could do was mouth the words touché.


Jacob was happily mixing some pastry dough it the kitchen bakery when the front door opened signaling with the bell that there was a customer. 

Excited, the baker wiped his doughy hands and headed to the front to greet the customer. "Afternoon how may I help you?"

"You can help me Mr Kowalski by helping me decide which dress to wear to the Ministry Gala tonight." Queenie Kowalski replied holding up a number of shopping bags and kissing her husband merrily. 

He grinned "Sure doll, sorry I thought you were a customer."

"Well, I am. In a way." she said leaning against him and inhaling his scent of flour and freshly baked goods. 

Jacob wrapped his arms around her waist and sighed contently. "I wish it could be like this. Forever." he said kissing her shoulder as she nuzzled up against her. 

Queenie smiled "Me too. I can't remember the last time it was just you and me." she remarked wistfully stroking her husband's moustache and kissing him deeply.

"Hey Queenie, Jacob I was wondering if you still had any- WOAH! Okay..."

The couple broke apart, startled by the sudden arrival of Theseus Scamander. 

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