Chapter 18

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"Alright Credence... you ready?"

"..... Yes."

"Let's begin,"

Queenie Kowalski slowly pulled out her wand and took a deep breath. "Now, Teenie explained everything is that correct?" he nodded looking over at Tina 

"You are going to attempt to penetrate my mind, and I'll attempt to resist." 

Tina smiled and gave him a thumbs up. Credence faced the blonde haired witch and gulped. 

"Don't worry Credence! You'll do amazing!" Alice Kowalski cheered her best friend, waving grey flags with Credence Rules on them. 

Hazel walked in with a plate, the contents hidden by a napkin. 

"If you try your very best dear... you will get a Gingerbread cookie!" she announced dramatically wiping the napkin away from the plate and gasping in shock when she saw all the cookie's heads had been bitten off. 

"Who ate my cookies?! .....Oh, wait. That was me." she said laughing awkwardly. 

Credence smiled "Thank you Hazel, that you Alice."

"Ready Credence?"


It all happened in a flash of light. Mary Lou, beating him, Modesty crying, Chastity crying out "Hand out your leaflets," to the homeless children living on the streets. Then Alice giving him a bowl of soup, Newt and Tina with their arms around him, and laughter going over and over and over-


His eyes snapped open. He was on the ground "W-wha-"

"Shh, it's okay." Tina said softly "You fainted."

Queenie was frowning and looking at the boy nervously "If this is too much Credence we can stop-"

"No, no I want to go on. I don't ever want to hear that laughter again. Ever." he said determinedly. 

Hazel pumped up her fist "That's the spirit Credence! Now here have a cookie before I eat them all. I'm serious I probably will."


"So... this creature, is a Giant Squid..."


"With a Lion's mane..."

"Uh huh."

"And a Runespoor tail?!?!"

"You got it."


Emily smiled, "I'm glad you think so, apparently not everyone in this school has that type of mindset." she said thinking back to the time Professor Kettleburn brought out some Billywigs for the class to study and everyone ended up screaming resulting in them all getting stung. 

Gerald gave her a cocky smile "Does this make me special?" he asked, Emily blushed "Some would say that."

Startling the two of them, the bell overhead rang loudly signaling the time for class. They both hastily got up out of their seats. 

"I think you're really onto something here Scamander," Gerald said playfully calling her by her surname "I'll see you here after class."

"Yeah.. okay, bye!" she said waving as he ran off towards the Charms classroom. 

Maybe Hogwarts wasn't so bad after all.

Newt was feeding the creatures when Theseus showed up with baby puke and dribble splattered all over his shirt. 

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