Chapter 9

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Newt, Jacob, Tina and Queenie were tidying up after dinner at the Scamander home in Dorset. Credence and Alice had just gone to sleep. 

"Who would've thought... after all these years, Credence would appear in your kitchen." Queenie said using her wand to conduct a dish washing assembly line. 

Newt nodded absentmindedly "I always knew one day he would be back..." he said quietly "I never thought it would be this late."

"Hear hear." Tina agreed taking a sip of coffee from a mug Emily had sculpted for Mother's Day.

A moment of silence passed between the four as mixed thoughts ran through their heads. 

Queenie sighed and lowered her wand "Alright we're all thinking the same thing. What's going to happen to Credence once he recovers?"

Newt raised his eyebrow at Tina and she bobbed her head in response "Well, technically he is legally allowed to be able to live by himself now... but-"

"You two don't think that would be right." Jacob finished her sentence "I agree, it wouldn't be right to leave him like this. Alone."

Another thoughtful silence. Finally Tina spoke up "What if-"

Queenie shook her head "You and Newt have a growing daughter and a case filled of magical creatures. It would be too much Teen."

Tina frowned as Newt took his wife's hand sympathetically "I know love, but your sister's right."

"Well we have to do something!" she protested, "We're not gonna kick him out to the streets!"


"Ah, Mum's here."

Hazel Scamander appeared in front of their eyes with a twinkle in her eyes and a beaming smile. "I know it's late, but I was digging around the house and I found.... This!" 

She excitedly revealed a maroon sweater, a black vest and a pair of grey trousers. 

"They used to be Newton's when he was going through his bad boy phase! And I thought to myself You know... These might be perfect for Credence so I can here as quickly as I could!" Hazel explained to the four enthusiastically. 

Tina quirked an eyebrow up at her husband, "Bad boy? You?"

Newt's ears turned a bright shade of pink "Just a very very very brief period in my adolescence." he confessed, smiling slightly as Tina laughed. 

"Yes yes yes we can embarrass Newton on childhood stories later, the point is CREDENCE HAS SOME CLOTHES!" Hazel said waving her hands eagerly. 

"Oh I am so happy! Do you know how long I've been without a child to care for? It's my soul purpose on this world to be the best mother I can possibly be! And now there's a boy in that bedroom who hasn't had a mothers love all his life!" 

Jacob, Queenie, Tina and Newt all exchanged glances. 

"You think?" Queenie questioned the three

 Newt nodded "Absolutely." 

Jacob grinned "The perfect choice."

 Tina laughed "Looks like we found the right person."

 Hazel blinked confused and utterly lost in their discussion "Uh... what?"

Newt wrapped his arm around his mother's shoulder and beamed "Mother, we were wondering... how would you, and father, think of... adopting Credence?"

His response was met with a loud and long scream of delight. 

"I'll take that as a yes." he said wincing and rubbing his ears.

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