Chapter 2

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"First years! First years over here please! First years!"

Emily clambered out of the steaming train and squeezed through the crowds of students finding their friends and getting a carriage to the castle.

Her dad had explained that first years took the boats to the castle because... because... well he didn't really know why but that was what was done.

"First years! First years over here!" One of the professors called loudly holding up a bright lantern. Desperate not to fall behind, Emily quickly ran up to the group of excitable first years huddled around the professor holding up the lantern.

Looking around, she could see Shirley, Helen, Marie and Gerald huddled close together giggling and smiling like they were having the best time together.

Emily raised her hand to wave, but stopped and pulled it back realizing they probably wouldn't recognize her.

"Alright now, If you will all follow me to the boats we will be rowing our way into Hogwarts." The witch said promptly, nodding at the students and leading them to the giant lake surrounding the massive castle.

Her fellow first years ooh and aahed at the magnificence of the castle, even Emily couldn't contain her admiration for the spectacular and impressive walls, towers and turrets.

"Come along come along into the boats now get in groups now!"

Emily quickly chose a boat before she was the last one there.

And she usually was the last one there, in almost everything.

But this time it would be different.

She would make sure of that. Sitting up confidently with her shoulders back and a smile on her face, she waited for people to come clambering into the boat with her.

But, no one did.

Most of them tried to squish each other in the same boat laughing, talking and pushing. It seemed to Emily that everyone knew everyone already.

Still, she sat patiently in her boat, twiddling her thumbs and biting her lip nervously.

"C'mon now four to a boat only! You! Four to a boat! You, you and you, into that one." the witch shouted at the big group of boys pointing at Emily alone in her boat with tons of room to spare.

The other boys laughed as the three boys reluctantly got out and sulked over to Emily's vessel.

"Hello," she whispered quietly as they clambered on. One of the boys with blonde hair scoffed, "Whatever, let's just go."


Tina was working at her desk at the Ministry when Theseus Scamander (her brother in law) walked up to her looking extremely frantic. "Hey Theseus. What's wrong?" she asked concerned as he looked around before shutting the door.

"I have some bad news." he said quietly.

She stood up, "What's going on? What happened?"

"I just came back from the Minister's office, there has been a Grindelwald sighting from one of our most reliable sources in Paris, France. They wanna send a team of our best aurors out there to check it out." he told her in a hushed whisper in case anyone was listening through the walls.

Tina's eyes grew wide, "They are?!"

"Yup. Which means you and I will probably get to go on an all free expenses trip to Paris where we may die at the hands of Britain's most notorious. Yay! How fun!" he said sarcastically.

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