Chapter 13

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Layers of snow dusted the rooftop of Scamander Cottage that Christmas morning as Hazel Scamander ran around the house screaming her head off.


Quiet groans rang from inside the bedrooms as one by one members of the family popped their heads out sleepily.

Only Alice was as excited as her grandmother having eaten a dozen gingerbread cookies last night. 

"Has Father Christmas been here?!" she asked excitedly taking Credence's hand and pulling him towards the giant tree they had in the living room. 

The boy's eyes grew wide as he gazed on to the mountain of gifts under the tree "That's... a lot." he said shocked, Alice smiled "Father Christmas left some for you too Credence see?!" she pointed to a bunch of neatly wrapped gifts labeled to Credence. 

Some were from Father Christmas while others were from Hazel, Henry, Tina and Newt, Queenie and Jacob, and Emily. 

"F-for me?" Credence stuttered eyes growing wide, christmas's back in New York contained of slightly more stew and broken pencils as gifts. 

"Yep! And as soon as the rest of the lot make their way down you may open them." Hazel said with at least thirteen cups of eggnog in her hands. 

Patiently the three waited drinking their beverages for the family to settle in the living room. 

First down were Henry, Theseus, Clara and the twins. "Thanks mum," Theseus said thankfully accepting a steaming mug from his mother "Hey do you have something stronger? The twins kept me up all night and I can barely lit an eyelid."

Hazel frowned disapprovingly "Whatever happened to happy christmas mum! Golly gee what wonderful eggnog you have made you are the most fantastic mother ever!" she asked mimicking his deep voice. 

Clara snorted while Theseus pursed his lips "When have I ever, said the terms golly gee?"

"You just said it."


Next down were the Kowalski's.

"Morning everyone!" Jamie said waving cheerfully to his family "Has everyone slept well?"

"Well we were until mum began shrieking like a banshee." Theseus said crankily taking a sip from his cup. Hazel shot a glare at her son while handing out mugs of eggnog. 

"Are Newt, Teenie and Emily still asleep?!" Queenie asked looking up at the ceiling above where their room were on the second floor. 

"My son and your sister are currently still asleep, Emily went out early today to visit the Hippogriffs." Hazel confirmed looking out the window at the stables and smiling as she caught sight of an 11 year old red haired girl petting two of the baby Hippogriffs."

"Sometimes I just can't believe that our sweet little Emily was being bullied at school. I mean how dumb do people have to be to not like her!"

"Like Dumbledore said," Clara began nestling the twins in her arms "People are afraid of what they do not understand or what is different."

"Well people need to smarten up and come to terms that everybody is not the same."


Upstairs in Newt's old bedroom, the couple was snoozing away happily entwined in each other's arms. 

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