Chapter 17

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Newt let out a strangled gasp "Leta?!"

Leta Lestrange let out a smile "So you do remember me! It's been so long I was afraid you'd forgotten your childhood pal." she simpered. 

"How could I forget the girl who broke my heart, accused my family of being Grindelwald fanatics, and tried to burn down our house and kill us." Newt replied coldly, he stood up to return inside. 

"Newt Wait!" Leta ran up and grabbed his shirt sleeve. Newt turned around and was surprised to see her crying.

"Newt... just.. Listen. Will you please listen?" 

He made no sound. 

"I know things haven't been the best between us.." Newt snorted "But.. I'd like another chance. With you."


"I know." she interrupted sniffling.

To his shock she pulled out from underneath her cloak the family photo of him, Tina and Emily that was missing from the mantelpiece. 

"How.. how did you get this?" he asked taking it back from her and staring at her with a sense of unease. 

"I... I broke into your house, last night. I just wanted to see you."

"Leta.. that's illegal."

"Oh pish posh. I'm a Grindelwald Fanatic Newt who's gonna put me in custody anyways?"

Newt looked down at his feet "So it's true then. You have joined him."

"Yes. I have."


"You're daughter. She looks a lot like you."

"Yeah. She does, but she has Tina's eyes."

A flame sparked within Leta's heart. Bitter, cold jealousy. 

"Can I just ask one question?" she asked frowning 

"Why her? You could've chosen any other witch, you could've chose me! And you choose her. Why?" she demanded.

He lifted his eyebrow "Why did I choose Tina? Because Tina is smart, brave, selfless, and the most beautiful witch I have ever had the pleasure to accidentally bump into." Newt said passionately 

"And I love her."

That certainly ticked off Leta. "She has you wrapped around her little finger doesn't she." she growled. 

Newt was about to retort back when the porch door opened behind him,


As soon as Leta laid her eyes on the American Witch she began to snarl. "You,"

"Ah, hello you must be Miss Lestrange I presume?" Tina replied coolly extending her hand to the growling woman. 

Leta immediately stop snarling and put on a plastic fake smile. "Why hello, you must be Miss Goldstein." she said shaking her hand, voice dripping sweetly like honey. 

"Actually, It's Mrs Scamander now." Tina corrected taking Newt's hand and giving it a squeeze meaning are you okay? 

"I'm sure you two are very happy together." Leta said giving them a huge smile to show her happiness while her tone sounded steely and grimacing. 

She turned to Newt "I guess this is goodbye then."

"I suppose it is."

Leta raised her head, jutted out her chin, and turned around walking further and further until they heard a snap and she was gone. 

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