Chapter 8

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Newt was awoken by quiet noises in the kitchen. 

The thief..! 

Quickly and silently he shook his wife's shoulder "Tina.. Tina, he's here!" 

she woke with a groan and a yawn "Uhh, Newt.. what time is it?" Tina asked stretching her arms sleepily. 

To her right lay Hazel, or the famous Hazel Poirot as she would've corrected, snoozing away peacefully oblivious to the opportune moment that had been laid before them.

 Jacob and Queenie were passed out too, a tiring day they had as well. 

 "It's the thief love, he's- where's Alice?" Newt said suddenly realizing they were one person short. 

Now Tina was fully awake.

The two crawled off the couch and saw the door leading to the kitchen wide open. They inched their heads towards the frame and the sight they saw was very surprising indeed.

Credence Barebone was sitting on the floor sharing a plate of food with Alice.

 "It's alright now Credence," she was saying softly to him "You don't have to run and hide anymore." hearing something she turned to see her aunt and uncle staring at the two of them with shock. 

"Shh.." Alice said beckoning them closer, she turned to the frightened boy 

"Credence, this is my Aunt Tina and Uncle Newt. They're good people. Aunt Tina, Uncle Newt, this is Credence."

Tina smiled with relieved tears pooling in her eyes "We've met before."

Credence looked up at her and gasped "M-miss Goldstein." he said remembering the young woman who had saved him so long ago. 

"Actually," she said looking at Newt "It's Mrs Scamander now, but you can call me Tina."

Credence nodded and turned to Newt with wide eyes, he touched the magizoologist's face with amazement "I know you... you protected me...against that Graves man."

Newt nodded his head, "How is this possible?" he asked. 

"After what happened in the subway," Alice spoke up "A small piece of him managed to escape under the eyes of the wizards and witches."

Credence bobbed his head slowly in agreement, "When I came to I found myself alone on the streets. I-I then returned to my home, to find Modesty a-and Charity my sisters." he sniffed remembering the memory 

"But... it was empty. I heard later that C-Charity was killed-d, and Modesty went missing...." Credence let out a quiet wail. 

Embracing her motherly and protective instinct, Tina wrapped her arms around the poor boy. 

"Shhh... shh.. It's going to be alright Credence..."

Newt and Alice also embraced the shivering boy, and the four sat there for what seemed like an eternity.


Things at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry have gotten from bad, to worse.

Ever since Gerald's attack, the students have been walking around the halls on pins and needles. 

There had been two more attacks but none of the professors seemed to know what it could be. 

Headmaster Dippet had spoken about the matter during a late supper one night as the fourth victim was carried off to the hospital wing that day. "I want you all not to panic," he had said firmly and loudly 

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