Chapter 7

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"Hey Newt....?"

"Yes dear?"

"I thought we had some leftovers from dinner last night in the fridge."

"Well, yes we do I remember."

"It's not there anymore."

"What?" Newt exclaimed walking over to the kitchen where his wife was looking through the refrigerator, pulling out beans and fruit searching for the missing meal. 

"I swear I put it right there... now it's gone! That's the fifth time now." Tina said confused turning to her husband "You think someone-"

"Maybe. Unless it's just our minds playing tricks on us."

"Huh. Weird."


"May I have everyone's attention please?" Dumbledore spoke to the class as everyone settled in for Transfiguration. "I assume you all know about the devastating incident yesterday with one of your classmates, Mr Peakes."

Quiet chatter rung about the classroom. Gerald had spent the rest of the afternoon in the Hospital Wing. 

Shirley, Marie and Helen had tried to sneak in to deliver some flowers and chocolates but Madame Pomfrey had shooed them out. Though not before they could get a glimpse at him. 

After returning to the Gryffindor common room, they told anyone who would listen what they saw. 

"It was horrible! You could see the teeth marks and everything!"

"So it was an animal? Maybe one of the creatures from Care of Magical Creatures class! A Bowtruckle!"

"No! Didn't you listen to Professor Kettleburn at all? Bowtruckles don't have teeth!"

"It was something much worse than one of the magical creatures we have on the grounds... it was a BEAST!"

"I just want to assure you all that Mr Peakes is going to be just fine." Dumbledore continued "The wounds were deep enough to spill blood but not deep enough to cut bone."

Well that's a relief. Emily thought to herself as the students around her whispered to the person beside them. 

Helen raised her hand at lightning speed "Do you know what attacked him Professor? And was it the same beast thing that attacked that Slytherin girl a few days ago as well?"

Dumbledore shook his head sadly "It seems to be that way Miss Farley. Whatever attacked the two of them seemed to have run off befo-"

"So you are saying it was a beast!" Marie declared standing up and pointing an accusing finger at Dumbledore. 

"Miss Orpington. I advise you to bring down that finger of yours and sit down, unless you want to spend tomorrow night polishing the silverware in the kitchens." he said sternly. 

The class laughed as Marie grumpily sat back down, arms crossed.

"Now, as I was saying-"


"No Pickett. I am not going back to Hogwarts to find a leaf."

"Chirp cheep CHIRP!"

"Oh c'mon Pick! There are thousand of leafs just like that one. I'm sure if we go outside right now I'll find you a brand new one."

"CHEEP! Chirp chirp chirp chirp."

"It's your favorite leaf?"


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