Chapter 16

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"And... I keep hearing this laughter. This awful sickening laughter.... And then all I can see is... is this man... with white hair and multi colored eyes... he frightens me." Credence explained to the concerned Hazel and Henry after he had dropped the tea cup onto the floor. 

Once he was done speaking, the two didn't say anything for a long time. Then Henry got up and brought over a newspaper article. 

"Is this the man you've been having visions of?" he asked handing Credence the paper. 

Grindelwald strikes large on a group of Muggles

"Yes... yes that's him."

Hazel and Henry exchanged dark, worried looks.


The morning sunrise peered over the snow dusted hills. Slowly it arose till it was shining bright and alive overtop of the mighty Hogwarts Castle. 

Inside the Gryffindor girls dormitories, all the pupils lay sleeping in their beds. 

Except one.

Emily Scamander had gone out the door the second she saw the sun appear from her window. 

After all, she had important work to do and she prefered to do it alone and out of the sight of people. 

Making her way down the corridors with a quill tucked in on top of her ear, wand clenched between her teeth and arms filled with notes and creature books. At last she arrived at the library as Madam Umbra was just opening the doors. 

"Why Miss Scamander! I didn't expect to see you here so early!" she exclaimed surprised and confused. 

"So sorry to be a bother Madam Umbra, but I have some work that needs to be done."

"School Work?"

"Er, more of a side project really."

Madam Umbra smiled "Well, I suppose there's no stopping you is there?"

"Probably not." Emily said sheepishly as the librarian gestured for her to enter.


"Hey love, do you have Xander's blanket? It's blue and has little green duckling on it."

Theseus Scamander sighed and got up to help his wife find his son's blanket. "How does he keep losing it? I swear he just had it a second ago..."

"Theseus. That was yesterday."


Clara sighed and wrapped her arm around her husband's shoulders. "I know you have a lot of work to do today. But... maybe you could possibly take the day off. Spend some time with your son's?" 

Theseus shook his head "You know I can't, the Minister expects me to be the one to have everyone on task and on time for work. What kind of example would I be setting if I were the one to disobey his wishes?"

His wife smiled sadly and stroked his cheek "Oh Theseus... lovely, sweet, stubborn, clueless Theseus..." she said 

"Who do you think needs you more right now? The Minister? Or your boys?"

Theseus Scamander looked down into the twin's crib and gazed at his two beautiful, healthy children.

"I'm.. I'm no good at this parenting stuff Clara." He confessed regrettably, the blonde witch smiled and kissed his knuckles fondly 

"Well then, I guess we'll have to learn together. Now how about you go off and send an owl to the Minister stating your absence today and help me find that blanket."

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