Chapter 25

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The Hogwarts train whistle blew noisily as the train pulled out of the station. 

Emily gazed sadly at the magnificent castle as it slowly became smaller and smaller until it was out of sight completely. She sighed and slumped down in her seat. What an adventure this year had been. 

Crazy crushes, snobbish enemies, kind professors, and not to forget the creature under the castle. She didn't think she would ever forget about the creature. It wasn't right what had been done to him, not right at all. 

Emily played with the hem of her school robes as she reflected back to when the two of them had first spoken together at the Ministry. He could have been so happy if fate wasn't so cruel and unforgiving to the poor beast. 

Suddenly a light knock on the compartment door startled her out of her daydreams as she turned to see an anxious looking girl about her age with light brown skin, curly black hair and bright blue eyes. 

"Hi uhm, sorry is anyone..." she asked sliding open the compartment door and pointing to the empty seat across from Emily and drifting off once she realized the other girl was staring at her. 

Emily shook her head and smiled kindly "Seats free, it's just me here. You can sit." The girl smiled softly and closed the door behind her as she took a seat. 

"I'm Joan, by the way." she said extending her hand. 

"Emily." the young Scamander replied firmly "I'm sorry.. I don't think I've seen you around the castle..."

"Well, it is a pretty large castle." Joan replied with a smile "But yeah, makes sense. I take individual classes."

"You do?"


"Why? Are you sick?"

Joan blushed and looked down at her feet "Let's just say I've got a furry little problem."

"Which house are you in?"

"Ravenclaw. You?"

"Gryffindor. Huh.. I've never seen you eat at the table during mealtimes."

"Yeah... I usually just take some food upstairs."

"Oh... I'm sorry. I'm probably asking too many questions am I?" Emily asked nervously then winced "Dang. That was another question."

Joan smiled and then laughed "It's alright. I don't mind, it's nice to see someone care."

The two girls smiled at each other and turned simultaneously towards the door as the Trolley Witch slid open the door "Anything from the trolley dears?" she asked kindly. 

Emily licked her lips, dug out her money pouch and arose from her seat to get some snacks. 

Once the girls had purchased their fair amount in sweets, they began a conversation over chocolate frog cards. 

"I've got Uric the Oddball, Morgana, Helga Hufflepuff, and Merlin." Joan said as she bit into the struggling frog. 

"I've only got the founders of Hogwarts and two Merlin's." Emily stated opening the box and pulling out another card. "Ah. Three Merlin's."

Joan laughed and handed her a jelly slug. "Thanks," Emily said gratefully biting into the rubbery candy.

"I've heard they're thinking of taking Jelly Slugs off the market."

"What?! No way!"

The door slid open once more, though this time it was not the Trolley Witch but rather a boy with light brown hair and an awkward smile donned on his lips. 

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