Chapter 22

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The Ministry ballroom was aglow with dozens of dazzling bulbs of light. 

Tina pulled her husband's arm closer and he squeezed her hand. "Oh Mercy Lewis they really outdid themselves this year." she praised, eyes travelling everywhere. 

"The Ministry of Magic takes deep pride in our parties." Theseus appeared with a glass of Firewhisky in his hand and his wife attached to his arm. 

"Wow, Newt, Tina you both look stunning!" Clara praised hugging them both. 

"Hey hey hey it's the Scamander's!" Jacob said walking up to the group with a beaming Queenie by his side. 

"Oh Teenie that dress! Wasn't it pink before?" she question playfully, Tina shrugged "I may, or may not have spelled it grey before tonight." she said innocently accepting a glass of Firewhisky from a passing waiter. 

"Doesn't she look amazing Newt?" Queenie asked a blushing Newt, he nodded "Stunning," he whispered.

"Well, we better find ourselves a table." Jacob suggested looking around as the ballroom began to fill up with more and more well dressed wizards and witches. Newt looked nervously around, Tina squeezed his hand comfortably. 

"You okay?" she asked lifting his hand and kissing his calloused knuckles. He smiled softly "I am now."


Grindelwald stood proudly in front of his band of followers. "My faithful fanatics," he cried out "Too long have watched as our fellow wizards and witches become blind to the true power of our abilities." 

The crowd cheered madly, stomping their boots and shrieking in delight.

"When we have overthrown the Ministry, the wizarding world will be at our fingertips. Are you all prepared to die for this cause?"

More cheers, the dark wizard was pleased "Now follow me. Our future awaits."

As the procession marched on, a giant steel cage followed behind them, inside you could hear the soft whimpers of a frightened creature.


Elegant ballroom music played smoothly and fluently as couples waltzed around the room, embraced in each others arms, shoes and heels would lightly tap on the ground as the men would smile proudly at their partners and the women would laugh captivated. 

Once the music ended the pairs would separate and clap appreciatively. 

Smiling and waving hello to the crowd was Henry Scamander, with a glass of Giggle Water in one hand and his wand pressed to his jaw in the other. "Sonorus." he muttered under his breath and his voice immediately amplifying in volume. 

"Good evening to all, I hope you have been enjoying yourselves to the fullest." he said, grinning as Theseus shouted "Hear hear!" raising up his glass in affirmation. 

"Now, It would be my great honour to introduce our very own, Minister for Magic... Leonard Spencer-Moon!"

The crowd clapped politely as the Minister made his way up onto the stage, shook Henry's hand and placed his wand on his jaw, whispering the spell so his voice could be heard all around. "On behalf of the Ministry of Magic, I'd like to thank you all for being here tonight." 

As the Minister droned on about how much has changed these past few years involving the protection of the wizarding community and blah blah, Newt was politely watching at a table surrounded by his friends and family. 

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