Chapter 19

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As soon as Credence woke up, Hazel had burst down his door shouting karate words (and some to her own invention). 

"Hiyah! Whoozah! Cowabunga! Heehahwhoo hiyahhh!"

Credence just stared. 

By the end of her routine, Hazel was red faced and breathless "Is everything alright- gasp - Credence?! Wheeze..."

Credence nodded slowly, then quickly shook his head "Hazel.. I just saw something horrible and frightening."

"Oh.. poor dear. I know, Grindelwald's face is unpleasant to look at-"

"No, well yes, but no."

"Oh? Then what did you see?"

"I don't know..."

Hazel smiled sympathetically and sat next to him rubbing his back soothingly "Tell me everything dear."

And he did.

By the end of it Hazel was pale and white. "H-hazel?" he asked tentatively "Are you alright?"


Emily Scamander was fast asleep when she heard someone lightly tapping outside her window.


"Pssst. Pssst. Hey. Emily. Psst."

She slowly opened her eyes and almost fell out of bed when she saw Gerald crouching by the window, teeth chattering and lightly tapping on the window. 

Urgently she slipped out of bed and quickly opened the window letting the freezing boy inside. "T-than-nks." he said, teeth chattering "Nice Pajamas by the way." 

Emily blushed, embarrassed, as he pointed out her hand me down Zebra pj's from her mother.

"I tried to get in through the door, but the staircase turned into a slide and I couldn't get in."

Emily smiled, "Yeah, sorry it does that sometimes." She handed him a blanket "Gerald, I don't wanna be that person. But what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see you."

Emily blinked. "T-to see me?" she stuttered. 

He nodded "I know how we can capture the creature!"

"You do?"

"Yes! So we know it likes the dark right?"


"So all we have to do is blind it with light and boom."


"Boom. While it's distracted we, I dunno throw a bag over it's head or something, bring it up to the school. We'll be heroes, Emily, heroes!"

"But Gerald..." she protested "I l-love adventures as much as the next witch but T-there are about a thousand things that c-could go wrong. The creature could break free, one of us could get hurt, why don't we spend a day or two planning it out before we rush into danger." she pleaded hoping to get him to understand. 

The boy put his hands on her shoulders and stared at her straight in the eye "Emily." 

she gulped 

"This could work. Then the school will see you're not the bad guy here."

"As much as I would love for that to be true-"

"Emily, please. Do you trust me?"

His eyes were alive. Such hope and emotion were swimming in them that she found her head slowly nodding. 

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