Chapter 4

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"-And, we both realize this is a huge thing we are asking of you. But it's the only way to defeat Grindelwald." Newt explained to a serious looking Dumbledore

"Professor, you're our only hope." Tina said "There's no one else who has the strength, skill or wisdom."

Dumbledore sat very still in his chair pondering as the great wheels of his mind twisted and turned. "I am... deeply honored, but my place is here. At Hogwarts. I couldn't bear to leave."

"But professor-"

"-However... I am not saying no."

Dumbledore smiled, "I will think about it, I can promise you both that."

Newt sighed, relieved "Thank yo-"

A quiet, firm knock surprised the couple as the door opened and Emily walked in holding the note from Professor Viridian. "Sorry to bother you professor but I-" she stopped as her eyes met her parents.

"Mum? Dad? What are you two doing here?"

"What are we doing here? What are you doing here?"

"I go to school here, what are you doing here?"


"They're here on top secret business Miss Scamander." Dumbledore interrupted with a nod at Newt and Tina. "Now might I ask why you are here?"

Emily blushed and handed him the note.

Putting on his reading glasses, Dumbledore examined it carefully. "Hm.. says here you disrupted the class and punched one of your classmates in the nose resulting in it breaking." he read calmly.

Tina's eyes grew wide, "You broke her nose Em?!"

"Well, yes. But she was saying such horrible things about me, and you... and dad..." Emily exclaimed sadly walking over to her parents to give them a much needed hug.

"I missed you guys." she said clasping her arms around both her parents waists. The couple wrapped their arms around their daughter and sighed contently.

"We missed you too Em." Tina whispered stroking her daughter's short wavy auburn hair.

A sharp poke from Pickett caused Emily to reel back in surprise, the baby bowtruckle climbed out of her pocket and onto the palm of her father's hand.

"You young man are in serious trouble." Newt said sternly wagging his finger. "When we get back to the case you and I are having a talk."

Pickett shrugged good naturally and skipped back into his former beloved pocket.

"I'm gonna have to be more careful now when I wash your coat dear," Tina joked, the trio laughed.

"As much as I enjoy a family reunion," Dumbledore interrupted pulling out the Hogwarts teacher guide.

"Miss Scamander I do need to give you a detention for... violent actions against a fellow student." he read off the guide.

"Now, detention with Professor Viridian tomorrow at-"

His sentence was blocked by the horrid screaming of a student outside the halls.

Leaping out of their chairs, The Scamander's and Dumbledore burst out of the room to see who had screamed.

It was the Slytherin first year girl whom Emily had hit.

She was wailing and screaming like a banshee.

Or Milly, the family Kneazle when Emily had to give her a bath.

Dumbledore raced over pulling out a calming draught from his robe pocket and pouring it down her throat.

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