Chapter 5

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"Dad... I'm bored." 

A 9 year old Alice Kowalski grumbled to her father as the two ate their lunch in the kitchen. "It's so empty without Jaime and Emily." 

Jacob smiled sympathetically "It'll be alright Alice, you'll see. Jaime and Emily will be back for the winter break and the you won't be alone anymore."

She sighed and lay her head on the table, "Daddy?'


"I want a sister and I want one now."

Jacob choked on his coffee and flushed an alarming shade of red. He was about to stage some sort of response when the door opened and in popped Queenie. 

"Hellooo!" she sang cheerfully walking in and giving her husband a kiss on his head and squeezing her daughter in a hug.


"Yes Alice?"

"I want a sister."

Queenie's eyebrows raised "A sister huh..?" Alice nodded "Yup. Not a brother, I already have one of those. I want a sister like Emily but younger this time so I can take care of her."

Queenie giggled and looked at Jacob, who smiled as well. "That's very sweet of you honey." she praised her youngest "Now how about we head over to Aunt Tina and Uncle Newt's house? I'm sure Uncle Newt would gladly let you play with the creatures."

Alice beamed, "Even the Nundo?!"

"No, not the Nundo."


The sun was shining brightly in the sky, and a chilly and crisp wind blew past Emily as she headed down the grassy slope towards where the group of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw were gathered around.

 As Emily skipped down she hummed a tune that she heard on the radio in her father's cluttered office inside the case. 

When the song would come on Newt would immediately stop working and waltz over to Tina, giggling the two would dance together while the creatures and Emily cheered them on. 

She was always so blissfully happy watching her parents spin around with pure happiness embedded on their lips and faces. Emily thought herself wondering maybe one day she'll have someone who makes her as happy as her parents are together. 

At the end of the dance Newt would ask her and the creatures how they did, Emily would always give a 10, Dougal showed up 8 fingers most of the time, the Occamy's didn't have finger, and the Niffler would be the toughest to please.

 After Emily and the creatures would join then in another dance and just spend the afternoon laughing ad twirling around the case.


Professor Kettleburn shouted, clapping her hands together and beaming. Emily snapped out of her daze and rushed over to get a good spot to see which creature would be part of their lesson.

It could be a Bowtruckle... or perhaps a Grindylow, oh merlin maybe Nifflers!

"Today's first lesson will be on one of may tree dwelling creatures, Bowtruckles."


Professor Kettleburn led the group towards a tall, but small tree (much like the one in her dad's case) with plenty of branches and lots of scuttling Bowtruckles. 

Emily felt as though she may scream, boy was she excited!

"Now these little ones are called bowtruckles," the professor explained "they dwell mostly in Scandinavian forests and we were lucky to find a patch of them at our school."

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