Chapter 20

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Emily's eyes opened groggily as she looked around the white room she was currently in. 

Ah, the Hospital Wing. She thought relieved and sighed leaning her head back on the pillow. 

She then attempted to move her body parts, all was well until she came to her right hand. It felt like there was someone else beside her. 

Now more awake Emily could feel the presence of another human being beside her, clutching her hand. 

She slowly turned her head and almost fell out of bed in surprise when she saw it was her Dad. 

Newt was snoozing away peacefully in a chair next to her cot, he was holding her hand in his sleep. 

"Dad...?" Emily croaked, Newt's eyes began to flutter open. Once he saw his daughter alive and well he began to cry. 

"Woah, Dad, Dad it's okay, i'm okay." she said soothingly. 

He nodded and wiped his eyes "Oh Em... we were so worried you were out for so long..."

"I was?" she carefully touched the cut on her forehead, there was stitches. 

"Turns out the cut was deeper than we thought," Newt explained softly squeezing her hand. 

Emily gasped "Gerald! Dad he-"

"Shh, it's okay he's okay." he said pulling her head close and rubbing her back gently "I'm afraid he had it worse than you, but Madame Pomfrey fixed him right up."

Emily looked over to the cot across from hers, Gerald was tucked it tight, fast asleep as she once was.

"Em..." Newt began nervously "What on earth were you two doing down there... you could've gotten killed." 

She felt a bubbling pile of shame stir in her stomach. ".....Sorry Dad, it was stupid and dumb and possibly the worst thing I have ever done in my entire life." Emily uttered under her breath. 

Newt smiled one of his small understanding smiles, he knew what it was like. He had lived it. 

"S'okay Em, I understand. I understand... everything." he told her stroking his daughter's wavy auburn hair and looking over at Gerald with a flicker of remembrance in his eye.

"Where's Mum?"

"Work, she wanted to stay but the Minister had called a meeting for all Aurors. Theseus had to haul her away from your side."

"So, she knows."

"Yep. Oh and she said to tell you when you wake up, you're grounded."

"Oh goody."


She was lying on her hospital bed reading a book her dad had brought her when she heard groans of pain come from Gerald's bed. 

She shyly peeked over her book to see him groggily sit up and blink his eyes sleepily. His wavy brown hair was tousled into a mess. 

All Emily could think about was bed hair bed hair bed hair bed hair

"Wha.. what happened..?" He asked to no one in particular. 

When he his eyes rested upon Emily his mouth dropped open "Oh my. Are we dead?!" he asked slightly hysterical. 

Emily grinned "Well hello to you too. And nope. Not dead yet."

"Thank Merlin," he replied sighing, relieved. For the moment, his head shot right back up. "The creature-"

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