Chapter 24

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Emily gulped uneasily as she warily eyed the wand pressed up against her chest. 

The dark wizard smirked at her sudden intake of breath "It's Scamander isn't it? Emily Scamander.... Well isn't this amusing," he said slyly his grin growing larger with each word "Here to try and save your parents aren't you? That was very noble, and quite stupid of you." 

Emily flushed and looked at her feet "I'm not scared of you." she whispered and flinched as he laughed "Oh but my dear... you should be." 

In a split second, Grindelwald grabbed Emily by the collar of her robes and as she screamed he shoved her towards the creature who growled at the two of them. 

"Your futile attempts to persuade my pet have failed, I hope you don't mind being eaten alive little one."

Emily squirmed as the dark wizard continued to push her towards the creature's jaws. She could feel it breathe on her face and inhaled the scent of it's morbid breath. 

So this was it. 

This was the end. 

At least if her parents were dead she would see them once more. 

Emily shut her eyes tight and waited for the pain of giant teeth digging into her flesh and puncturing her organs. 

But the pain never came. 

Slowly she peeked open one of her eyes, the creature was still standing there watching her. 

Grindelwald snarled "What is taking you so long you pathetic animal I gave you an order."

The creature remained silent and unmoving. His disobedience to his master was a small yet powerful act of rebellion. He would no longer take orders from a man he could easily consume in two bites. 

Grindelwald screamed out in frustration "Fine you miserable, wretched monster! I will do it myself." and he shoved Emily towards the wall.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Emily closed her eyes and shielded her hands in front of her face as if they could protect her from the incoming spell. 

Before the curse could even reach her, someone jumped in front of the girl. Taking the full blow of the curse and falling to the ground as she let out a shriek of anguish at the sight of the one who had sacrificed his life for hers.


With the assistance of the rescue team from America, the wizards and witches managed to round up all the fanatics and either kill them or place magical bound shackles on their wrists with threats to a life long sentence in Azkaban. 

Newt sighed, relieved, as he saw Tina and Queenie walk into the room dragging what looked like a very angry fanatic behind them. 

Tina rushed up to her husband and wrapped her arms around him grateful that he was alive. "Are you okay?" he whispered nervously staring at her face where a cut on her forehead was bleeding. 

She shook her head quickly "Yeah, yeah. A little shaken but, nothing that I haven't dealt with before."

The tied up fanatic began making angry grunting noises at the couple. Newt turned to the tied up woman and then back at Tina "Is that-?"


Leta shot death glares at Tina while at the same time attempted to appear sweet an innocent towards Newt. He laughed "Nice try Leta. Have fun in Azkaban."

Jacob chuckled as he led an irritated Leta to join the rest of her friends. Queenie turned to the magizoologist, winked and mouthed "nice"

"Hey has anyone seen Theseus?" Tina asked looking around,

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