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this chapter is dedicated to:

as soon as she exited the room, eunbi was greeted by the rest of astro members. they all stood in a line beside the door, probably waiting for eunwoo.

did they hear everything? eunbi thought nervously. looking at them, eunbi managed a weak smile, masking her true feelings.

"hey." she greeted awkwardly. eunbi wasn't sure how to act around them, not knowing how did they react with the news of her as a trainee. what if they disliked her presence, just like eunwoo?

"how have you been, nuna?" with a smile on his lips, moonbin greeted first before the rest following suit. they all looked sincerely happy to see her, much to her confusion.

"you— you are not angry with me?" she hesitantly asked.

"angry? why should we?" rocky scrunched his brows, confused as well. "we are happy to see you here. right guys?" they all nodded.

"well,i thought..." she trailed off. the boys shared a look, but no one said anything.

the door then clicked open and eunwoo stepped outside, though he stopped in his track when he saw eunbi was still there with his group members.

his eyes met eunbi's for a split second before she looked away.

"i have to go now. i'll see you soon."

eunwoo heard she said to them before walking away, not even sparing him a glance.

sighing, he reluctantly joined his members.

"what's going on between you two?" mj shot him an accusing look, his hands on his waist which made him looked like a mother scolding his naughty child.

"i snapped at her." eunwoo knew better than to lie to his members. plus, he really needed someone to talk to, at the moment.

"what?!" the boys shouted simultaneously.

"i messed up, i know." he groaned, "but i couldn't help it. you know the rule, right? it was risky for both of us and i don't want to lose both her and astro because of a stupid, damn rule."

"we gave you a chance to talk to her, not for you to worsen the matter, but to patch things up." jinjin sighed in disappointment, his hands rubbing his temple as if he had a headache.

"hyung, i really don't understand you." sanha shook his head in disapproval. "i always think you are smart, but when it comes to eunbi nuna, you are just dumb."

eunwoo sighed, accepting every single words the youngest had spoken. he couldn't argue; it was true after all. though it did hurt his feelings.

"let's just go." rocky muttered, walking away indifferently. moonbin shot him a look before he followed after rocky, dragging sanha together with him.

jinjin patted eunwoo's shoulder before he caught up with the younger boys, mj moving along with him, leaving eunwoo alone behind.

sighing, eunwoo dragged himself to trail after his members, regret filling every inch of his mind.

the drive back to the dorm was quiet.

eunbi leant her head against the window as she watched the scenery unfold before her in a blur, her face was unreadable.

her manager, a woman in her late twenties who prefered to be called min stole a glance at the younger girl, noticing her odd behaviour.

"you okay, girl?" she asked, breaking the silence.

"min unnie." eunbi spoke out after a few moment of silence, "you think i'm doing the right thing?" she sat up straight, looking at the older girl with glistening eyes.

"what do you mean by that— oh my, why are you crying?" min panicked slightly at the sight of her teary eyes.

"i— i don't know. maybe, becoming a trainee is not a good idea." eunbi wiped her tears with her sleeves. eunwoo's words bothered her and she felt like giving up.

min pulled over at the roadside. she turned to the girl sitting next to her and grabbed her shoulders in comforting manner. "you know, there is a reason why the president himself chose you to be the trainee for the project. he could have chosen one from the many trainees in the company, but no, he insisted on choosing you."

min wiped the new, fresh tears that just escaped from eunbi's eyes with her hands, "we believed in your talent, lee eunbi. we could see your potential and we know you can do it. all you have to do is to believe in yourself and do your best. not for us, but for yourself."

eunbi hummed in response, forcing a smile. "thank you, min unnie."

"no biggie." min sighed in relief. she started the engine and drove the car back to the road.


wow, obviously, i wasn't expecting to update this fast but as you guys are amazing and i promised you one, so this is it.

the next chapter will be up when this chapter gets 50 reads and 25 votes. sorry for demanding but i'm afraid i will run out of chapters to update if i update everyday so, understand me, kay?

and sorry if this chapter is quite boring 💁 i apologize

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