+twenty five

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the number of votes on the last chapter is so low, i'm not even surprised :'(


"thank you for your hardwork."

eunbi made sure to bow her head at every staff she walked past, it was a manner as a rookie idol that was taught to her by her managers. she just finished recording for a tv show in which she was invited as a guest and was on her way to the carpark where her manager was waiting for her to bring her back to the dorm.

it was almost midnight and the broadcasting building was still progressing without rest. eunbi could feel her feet aching with every steps she took, the result of walking all day long in heels but she didn't complain about it.

it was part of the job that she had signed herself up for it.


eunbi stopped in her track and turned around at the sound of her stage name being called. a woman staff approached her and smiled in relief, "i was searching for you all over the places."

"why are you searching for me?"

"actually, someone asked me to give this to you before you leave." the staff held out a letter and eunbi hesitated before taking it. "then, i'll be leaving first. good job for today, raine-ssi."

eunbi watched staff left and stared at the letter in wonder. was it a fan letter? her heart fluttered at the thought as she opened the letter to read its content.

eunbi-ssi, i have something to talk to you. i hope you can meet me at this place.

her brows were furrowed once she was done reading the short note written on the letter. it didn't seem like a fan letter, for the sender sounds like he or she knew her well. and the fact that her real name was used, instead of her stage name gave her the idea that the letter was not from her fans.

then, who was it?

a part of her knew it was dangerous to go to the said place, but curiousity got the best of her as she found herself walking to the address given on the letter alone. she sent her manager home because it had past her work time and she didn't want to trouble him more.

hyunjae knew, though. eunbi wasn't that foolish to come unprepared. someone, at least, needed to know her whereabouts, just in case something happened. she texted him the address where she would be meeting this mysterious sender and he said he would be there as fast as he could.

the address brought her to a small, twenty-four hour cafe. after assuring herself that the location was decent enough, eunbi entered the cafe, the bell jingling over her head as she stepped inside.

"welcome." the cafe worker greeted and eunbi smiled at her. her eyes scanned the cafe but she sees no one around. she was almost convinced that someone played a trick on her when the worker said, "are you perhaps meeting someone? a guy comes in earlier, and he looks like he is waiting for someone."

eunbi wasn't sure if the guy the worker mentioned was the sender but she nodded anyway. the worker brought her further inside the cafe, to a corner that was hidden from view and a guy sat there, with his back on her.

eunbi thanked the worker, waited until he left and approached the guy slowly.

"hello?" she called out awkwardly.

he turned his head, and the moment their eyes met, eunbi felt her breath got caught in his throat, her heart skipping a beat. she instinctively took a step back when he stood up, as if she was scared of him.

it never crossed her mind that the ldm on the letter was the initial for his real name. she felt so stupid for not realizing it sooner.

"lee eunbi." he was looking at her straight into the eyes, and eunbi couldn't find in herself to look away, even if her sight was blurred from the tears that started welling in her eyes. she didn't want to cry, but she couldn't control herself. the sight of him standing in front of her, calling her name were overwhelming and she felt her stomach tightened painfully from the feelings.

"eunbi, i—"

"stop." eunbi could barely got the word out, but it managed to make eunwoo stopped from taking another step. disappointment was evident on his face but he obliged it, nonetheless.

"i just want us to talk." eunwoo pleads, "please."

eunbi looked away, wiping the single tear that escaped her eye. "i-i think i got the wrong person. please excuse me." she turned away and rushed to leave, but eunwoo was faster. he grabbed her arm, preventing her from leaving.

"eunbi, please. we'll just talk, okay?"

she yanked her arm away, "we don't have anything to talk about." she hissed and continued her steps. she was practically running from him and managed to exit the cafe, only to be stopped by the second time when eunwoo caught up to her.

"we have a lot to talk about. for example, the reasons you suddenly left me without explanation." eunwoo wasn't going to be soft and persuading anymore.

he was going to end what is supposed to end by tonight, and he would do anything to get what he want, whether she like it or not.

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