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cha eunwoo always knew the company was bound to find out about his relationship with eunbi, but he didn't expect them to find out this fast.

sitting in the room with his manager eyeing him as if he was a prey, eunwoo didn't dare to lift his head up, what more looking at his manager in the eyes. it would be as if he was digging his own grave.

his manager let out a deep sigh after moments of silence. "why did you do this, eunwoo?" he asked exasperately, furiously tapping the pictures laid on the table.

eunwoo remained silent. he didn't know how to explain himself. he inwardly cursed himself for being so stupid; how could he be so careless?

"what are you going to do if someone saw you? don't you even think about that?!" his manager yelled, slamming his hands on the table in pure anger.

"what is worse: you were caught with the trainee of the special project! you know how important she is to the company! and by doing this, you have ruined the project, completely!"

"i'm sorry." apologizing was the only thing he could think of right now. though he knew it was practically useless. the damage had been done and eunwoo knew all too well that the company wouldn't simply let them off the hook.

"save your sorry. what i want is your decision." eunwoo dared himself to look up, "end this stupid relationship of yours or get ready to pack your things and go home."

eunwoo sucked in a breath. he could feel the tears burning his eyes. why? why did this have to happen when he just fixed his relationship with her? after all he had suffered to be with her, this is their end?

"don't forget what you have done last time, eunwoo. this might be your last chance."

"i—" i'm sorry. eunwoo closed his eyes, forcing the words out of his mouth. "i'll break up with her."

"good choice." the manager smirked in triumph. "indeed, your career is more important than her. astro is basically your life, isn't it?"

i'm sorry. it was the only thing he keeps repeating inside his mind, imagining eunbi and their moments together. he had never felt this hopeless as of right now.

little did eunwoo know, he was being watched by her all along.


his manager asked him to continue his practice like usual and eunwoo almost scoffed at him. after what happened, how could he act like nothing happened?

but then, he didn't want to worry his members so he obliged to the request. he returned to the practice room and began practicing along the others, all the while keeping his mouth shut.

astro members noticed how cold and grumpy eunwoo became after returning from the so-called meeting with their manager but jinjin had warned them beforehand to not bother eunwoo and let the boy alone to calm himself. if eunwoo decides to tell them about his problem, then it is because he wants to, and not because they force him.

it was break time and the room was quiet, with only the ticking sound of the clock was heard. while moonbin, mj, rocky and sanha left to refill their bottle, jinjin plopped down beside eunwoo on the couch.

"eunwoo yah." eunwoo merely glanced at the leader to acknowledged him before closing his eyes again. "we are always here for you, no matter what happen, you know that right?"

eunwoo heaved a deep breath, sending jinjin a weak smile. "thanks, hyung." jinjin simply nodded.

"eunwoo hyung!!!!!" eunwoo and jinjin became alert at sanha's shout as the youngest barged into the room, gasping for air with the rest of the members behind him.

"what?" eunwoo asked in confusion.

"eunbi nuna—" sanha gasped, sucking in a large breath of air before continuing, "eunbi nuna has left the company!"

eunwoo took a second to process the information before he took off, exiting the room in a rush. he couldn't let her leave. at least, not in this situation.

he needed to sort everything out.

the boys watched eunwoo left in a daze. jinjin went to them, asking for details and rocky wasted no time in telling jinjin what he had witnessed.


idk how to continue this somebody helppppp

qotd: which male idol you think suitable to be eunwoo's rival?

but really, i'm having a great crisis of writer block if someone could tell me what should i write next, i'll be so thankful.

if you want to share your idea, instead of commenting here, i'll appreciate it if you dm me. don't want to spoil the surprise to everyone now, do we?

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