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this chapter is dedicated to natanazurah for her enormous support for my books.

the practice room was filled with staffs; they were all busy setting up the equipment and other things needed for the recording. there were four chairs placed at the middle of the room by the staffs.

eunbi was busy memorising her lines as the stylist expertly styled her hair. her makeup was ready and she had changed to a more decent outfit.

even sanha, mj and moonbin were getting ready, with the help of other stylists.

the recording would only take two minutes at the longest, since they decided to shoot a short version, but everyone looked damn serious as if they were shooting a real,complete music video.

that just showed how serious the company was with the project.

after what seemed to feel like hours, they were finally ready.

eunbi sat on the center while the astro's members occupied the other seats. she gulped nervously, feeling all eyes on her.

sohyeon mouthed a good luck at them, smiling proudly.

"recording will start in... three, two and one." one of the staff counted, "and start!"

they were laughing as they walked out of the room. the recording went well. of course, there were a few cuts because eunbi was too nervous and mj kept cracking up, but other than that, everyone seemed to be enjoying the moment, including the staffs.

"see? you were great, eunbi!" sohyeon said, "i never doubted your talent before, but now i'm sure of it. you're selected for the project for a reason."

"sohyeon nuna was always right." moonbin chimed in.

eunbi was blushing furiously, her face was red from all the praises she got.

"since the recording is finished and we don't have any schedules after this, i say, we go for chicken?" sanha suggested.

"well then, i'm buying since all of you made me proud earlier." sohyeon said, making everyone (especially moonbin) cheered.

sanha was laughing hard from mj's joke when his phone buzzed. he put down his half-eaten chicken drumstick on the plate before using his little finger to swipe the screen.

"jinjinie?" he put the call on loudspeaker, gaining attention from the rest of them.

"don't 'jinjinie' me, you brat."

sanha chuckled, obviously unaffected with jinjin's scolding. "why did you call?" he asked.

"where are you guys? we are thinking of ordering chicken at the moment, should we save some for you?"

"awwww, that's so nice of you, hyung." sanha cooed. "but we are eating chicken and guess what; it's free of charge!" moonbin and mj chuckled. sanha sure knew how to test one's patience.

jinjin scoffed from the other side of the line, "yah, i told you, it will be a waste of time asking them." from the distant sound of his voice, one could tell that he was talking to other people.

"yah sanha-yah.." rocky took over the call, "what do you mean by 'free of charge'?"

"sohyeon nuna decided to buy us chicken since we did great for the recording. even eunbi nuna is here."

"what?! that's so unfair, i swear —" sanha cut in, "i'm going to finish all the chicken so bye now, hyung. i'll see you at the dorm." then he ended the call, laughing evilly.

sohyeon shook her head, "yoon sanha, you are such a tease."

sanha shrugged, a mischievous smile on his lips. they continued eating, enjoying every seconds of it.

it was until...

"i told you; they'll be here!" everyone at the table turned to the voice.

"rocky?" moonbin blurted out, a small piece of chicken was still in his mouth.

rocky proudly made his way towards the table, eunwoo and jinjin trailing behind him as the three nonchalantly took a seat beside moonbin.

"hey nuna." jinjin sheepishly smiled, "we could join you too, right?"

sohyeon chuckled in disbelief, but still nodded nevertheless. "well, as you're already here.."

"great! aunty, another portion of chicken please!" rocky called out. that kid sure was brazen and shameless.

while the others were busy chatting, no one seemed to notice the heavy atmosphere surrounding the end of the table, where eunbi and eunwoo sat opposite each other; it was as if there was a border separating them and the rest.

eunbi focused her eyes on the plate, eating the chicken in silence, never looking at the guy sitting in front of her.

eunwoo, on the other hand, couldn't help himself from staring at her. he wanted to break the heavy atmosphere but his voice seemed to be stuck in his throat.

"h-hey." he managed to croak but his effort was wasted when another figure came to their table.

it was min, eunbi's manager who came to fetch eunbi. eunbi stood up, exchanging goodbyes with others (of course, not with eunwoo).

looking at her, their eyes met for a split second before once again, she looked away first. with merely a nod to acknowledge his presence, eunbi walked away indifferently with min.

staring at her disappearing figure, eunwoo felt his heart breaking into pieces, the pain was like a tight slap across his face.


55 reads and 25 votes will help eunwoo and eunbi to get back together.

and i'm asking this out of curiousity; do you have any pair/ ship name for eunbi and eunwoo? if you do, share it with me and the most creative one will get a dedication on the next chapter. (please don't let this flop 🙈)

runaway love / cha eunwoo astro ✔Where stories live. Discover now