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training and practices kept her busy for the next few weeks, much to her relief. eunbi tried her best not to think of anything else, especially the one related to one particular guy, and focused solely on her training.

by now, it was already a month since she started her life as a trainee. it wasn't so bad, she could have said. she learnt more new things; all skills needed by an idol was taught to her and basically, it was like entering a brand new dimension for her.

eunbi could see how much she had improved from every aspects and boy, wasn't she proud of herself now?

the more she practiced and learnt, eunbi could feel herself indulging and enjoying every moments of it.

maybe, becoming an idol wasn't a bad idea. maybe this was her destiny. she changed her mind; becoming an idol was something she wanted to do, not for anyone else, but all for herself.

"making a cover?"

her vocal trainer, a woman at her late thirties who preferred to be called Sohyeon nodded her head as she led eunbi to a practice room on the fourth floor.

"b-but my singing wasn't that good. i mean— i'm still learning." eunbi was freaking out inwardly, her eyes widening to the max. welp, she certainly wasn't ready for this.

"your singing is fine, eunbi." sohyeon chuckled at eunbi's reaction, "and i'm saying that in all honesty, not because you are my student or anything."

eunbi bit her lower lips. could she really do it?

sohyeon pushed open the door and both of them stepped inside.

"hello, sohyeon nuna." a simultaneous greeting was heard the moment they stepped inside. eunbi sucked in a breath upon seeing the three astro members in the room, specifically astro's vocals line.

"hey boys." sohyeon greeted them nonchalantly and eunbi trailed over the woman like a lost puppy, not knowing what to do.

"eunbi, you'll be singing with them." sohyeon said, "they were my best ex-students, i can assure you."

eunbi nodded, awkwardly smiling to them.

"eiii, nuna. we are still your students." sanha cutely whined, "why did you keep disowning us after we debuted?" he pouted.

"yah, stop that." mj sneered, threatening the boy with the water bottle he was holding. even moonbin scrunched his nose in disgust at the cute act the maknae did.

"anyway guys, you already know eunbi right?" sohyeon asked and the three males nodded, glancing at eunbi awkwardly. "good. i'll give you some time to discuss on what song you'll be singing while i take the recording equipments from the office."

before sohyeon left, she shot eunbi an assuring smile, mouthing "you'll be fine, trust me."

after the woman left, eunbi was alone with astro's vocals line. for the first few minutes, they just stood and stared at each other before moonbin spoke up, "let's take a seat first."

he sat on the floor and the rest followed, all of them sitting in a circle.

"sohyeon nuna talked a lot about you; she said you are a great singer." mj said with a smile. he attempted to create a conversation so eunbi would be less awkward than she already was, at the moment.

"t-thank you." eunbi smiled, feeling a blush crept up her cheeks.

"nuna, i didn't know you could sing." sanha scooted closer to eunbi, staring at her with pure curiousity.

"i was a member of school choir team back in high school but that was all. i'm not that good in it." eunbi could feel herself eventually relaxing. after all, she did miss talking to them.

"really?" moonbin looked mildly surprised, "eunwoo never told us about that."

the room fell silence. moonbin, realising his mistake, gasped while sanha and mj gave him stink eyes.

"i'm not supposed to say anything related to eunwoo, right?" moonbin, once again, mentioned the visual's name by accident, making mj and sanha launched an 'indian bob' attack towards the poor boy.

"auch! auch! i'm sorry, okay?!" moonbin managed to scream out despite the attack. "yah yoon sanha, you—"

sanha grinned in mischief; he looked exceptionally happy for some reasons. the two stopped after some seconds later, leaving moonbin on the floor, groaning in pain.

watching them, eunbi chuckled. they were still a bunch of  playful dorks she always knew.

moonbin pulled himself up from the floor. "i'm sorry, nuna. i just.. slipped."

"it's fine. i'm okay with his name." she assured them.

moonbin shot mj and sanha a 'see-she's-fine-and-you're-overreacting' look before rolling his eyes.

"anyway, what song we are going to sing?" mj said, bringing them back to the discussion lane.

"right, nuna? you should choose, since you'll be the center." sanha pointed out.

eunbi hummed, her eyes wandering around;thinking. "you guys are fine with bigbang songs?"

"i love bigbang! which song?" sanha blinked his eyes in excitement.

"if you?" she hesitantly suggested, watching their reaction.

"if you... acoustic version?" mj smiled, "sounds good!"


another 50 reads and 20 votes will make sure the song-cover-making goes well and smoothly. support eunbi and astro's vocal line.

++lets take a moment to appreciate our life and pray for all the dead souls. 😢

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