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the first place lee eunbi went after leaving the company was the trainee dorm. it was still morning so all trainees were still practising at the company or studying at school.

she wasted no time in packing all her things and wrote a simple note of goodbye to tell her fellow trainees about her departure before leaving the building in a rush. she hailed a taxi and got into it.

"bring me out of seoul. anywhere, as long as not here." she told the taxi driver, her voice cracking from crying. the taxi driver, a middle-aged man, was taken aback with her request but obliged nonetheless.

the taxi drove away, heading out of the city. she opened the window a little bit, just enough to sneak her hand out, and throw a small piece of sim card out.

it's the end, she thought, closing her eyes, letting a tear slip away.


time flew by rather quickly. day by day passed by and soon, three months had passed since the day eunbi left the company.

everything had changed and eunbi was content with her current life. she moved to a new place, found a job to support herself and met new friends.

being a trainee was just an episode of her life that she would rather think as a dream and now, she had woke up from it and was resuming her normal life again, this time without a guy named cha eunwoo.

the guy and his group had made their comeback last month and they were doing great, becoming one of the hottest group idol at the moment. while fantagio, on the other hand, had debuted a new girl group to make up the loss of the special trainee project.

eunbi wanted to move on and forget eunwoo but it seems impossible to do since she could never erase him from her mind. it was as if he was stuck permanently in her system.

but she believed that time could help her heal and forget. and if the only way to forget him is to meet a new guy, then she was more than ready to do it.


SM Building, Seoul...

there was a knock on the door that interrupted him in the middle of resting. he opened one of his eyes, glancing at the door and instantly giving permission to the person outside to come in.

"so, you found her?" he immediately asked, knowing all too well the reasons of his staff coming to his office room.

"yes, pd-nim." the guy nodded, holding out a few pictures to the man sitting behind the table. " she is currently working at a traditional cold noodles house located at paju."

the man scanned the pictures, head nodding at the information he just received. a corner of his lips twitched upwards into a satisfied smirk.

finally,  after months of searching throughout the country, she was near his grasp. there's no way he would lose her to another company again.

"alright. now, i want you to do whatever needed to get her." the man commanded, looking at his staff straight into the eyes, conveying the dead seriousness in his voice. "we can't lose her twice."

the younger guy nodded his head in understanding and excused himself out right after.

as his staff left, the man heaved a deep sigh, one that sounded as if a big burden had been lifted off his shoulder.

he was sure that he could create another star by using her and raise his company reputation altogether. with her, his company's shares could rise once again and just imagining that made him excited.

fantagio was stupid to let her go, just because of a stupid relationship. so what if she was dating someone? she was needed for her talent, not to mention that she had full package of idol too, it would be a total waste if her precious talent was kept away from public.

what is important was the money she would bring to the company. her love and feelings could be dealt later.

plus, ruining one's relationship wasn't that hard, does it?


sorry for the long wait. after everything that happened, i find it hard to write a good chapter but i try and this is the best i could give you at the moment.

sorry if you're not satisfied with this update but expect more for the next chapter.

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