+thirty three

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"alright, let's take a lunch break everyone."

the dance instructor announced, much to the members relief. they have been practicing for a new dance cover they were going to perform on the next fanmeeting since morning and now it was lunch time already.

the boys collected their stuffs and slumped on the floor, waiting for their manager to come and bring food for them.

eunwoo took the moment to check his phone. he checked his messages first and replied to few of his friends before opening the web for the latest news. eunwoo raised a brow when he saw the first trending keyword being raine, following a few other keywords related to her.

he quickly searched about her and the first article that came out shocked him to the core. eunwoo truly felt like something was stabbed into his heart when he read the title of the article.

'SM's new idol singer raine is caught dating, the boyfriend is someone famous.'

"heol!!" rocky who was laying on the floor suddenly gasped as he sat up, his eyes then looking at eunwoo before returning to his phone in pure surprise.

looks like the boy also found out about the article.

"why?" mj asked in confusion and rocky made no sound as he passed his phone to mj. soon enough, everyone was aware of the rumours.

"who do you think the man is? do we know him?" moonbin asked cautiously. eunwoo's look was void of emotion but they all could tell that the guy was heartbroken.

"i don't know.. but i can't believe eunbi nuna would do this.. but the picture..." sanha drawled out in uncertainty.

just then, the door was slammed open, taking them by surprise, "boys, your food is here!" their manager strolled in with bags of food in his hands and the guys instantly dropped the topic, putting away their phone to focus on the food with the article bothering their mind.

eunwoo excused himself from the practice and went to the washroom to gather himself. he washed his face and stared at his reflection on the mirror. then, he fished his phone out from the pocket and opened her contact.

he debated on calling her, asking for confirmation about the article. he couldn't concentrate on his practice as he kept thinking about her and her boyfriend. if yesterday he was sure he could win her back and there was hope for them, now he wasn't sure anymore.

who was this guy? did he lose already?

gathering his courage, he tapped the call button and waited patiently for the call to be connected.


her voice greeted his ear.

"uhh, hi?" eunwoo cursed himself for the lame greeting. he then cleared his throat and spoke again, "i mean, are you okay?"

"huh?" she sounded confused at first before she realised what he was talking about. "i'm okay, thanks for asking."

"i-is it true? that you are dating someone?"

she was silent for a moment, "my company will release a statement in a while. you will know then."

eunwoo felt his heart broke at her answer. so, it's true then.

"are you there, eunwoo?" she asked when there was no answer, "are you okay?"

"i don't know. it's not really my place to feel sad if you are dating someone else." he admitted, "but it's really hurt for some reasons, eunbi." he laughed a little, hiding the way his voice quivered.

"i need to go now. goodbye, lee eunbi."

runaway love / cha eunwoo astro ✔Where stories live. Discover now