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it was half an hour to midnight and eunbi was still wide awake. she had been staring at the white ceiling over her head for the past few hours, her mind was filled with thoughts about joining sm and being a trainee again.

she had her worries and she wasn't sure if she could do it. her past experience was holding her back but her dream was screaming for her to grab the chance— golden chance like what hyunjae said. plus, she wasn't that young anymore, seeing there are many idols younger than her already debuted in the industry.

sighing, she reached for her phone on the bedside table, contemplating on calling hyunjae. she needed to talk about it to someone and the boy seemed like the best person to do it.

there was something placed on her phone; it was the business card given by the sm's scouting agent earlier. she remembered telling the man that she would call him if she agreed to his offer. staring at it, eunbi felt a rush of different emotions going through her body.

so, at last, she called hyunjae. the boy picked up the call after three beeps, and his sleepy voice greeted her through the speaker.


"ohh, hyunjae-ya. am i disturbing your sleep?"

the boy cleared his throat and eunbi heard shuffling sound at the background. "yes— i mean, no. why are you calling though?"

"i-" eunbi sighed, closing her eyes in shame. "i can't sleep."

"why? something happened?" worries was audible in his voice and eunbi chuckled. "no— i'm just thinking about earlier."

hyunjae sighed in relief. "you want to talk about it?" he glanced at the clock on his bedside table and shook his head in disbelief upon seeing it was almost midnight. the corner of his lips twitched upwards to a small smile.

cute, he thought.

"hyunjae." hyunjae was snapped out of his reverie, "do you think i'm suitable to be an idol?"

eunbi asked lowly, her finger tracing random patterns on the business card.

hyunjae sighed. "you know what, eunbi? let me ask you something— what do you feel when that man offered you to be a trainee?"

eunbi was silent for a minute or so and hyunjae waited for her reply patiently. "i was happy, and scared at the same time."

"see? that shows that you like the idea of being an idol. when you like something, you can face any problems. sure, it's not easy but you can do it." hyunjae snorted internally at his own words. since when did he learnt to talk like this? "and for your question, i do think you are suitable to be an idol. i mean, you have the look and everything. your voice is amazing and most importantly, you have the charms that can make people like you."

eunbi blushed at his words, "you're sugarcoating too much, hyunjae."

hyunjae laughed, "i'm serious. it's a wonder why you're not scouted by other companies before."

eunbi bit her lips at his words. "actually— i was a trainee before i work at the shop."

"seriously??" eunbi hummed. "not long though, maybe around two to three months."

"then why are you dwelling on it this long? you should accept the man's offer right then and there!"

eunbi chuckled. "thanks, hyunjae. talking to you makes me feel better."

"you know you can come to me all the time right? even at midnight, even when i'm sleeping."

"okay, goodnight hyunjae, sweet dream." hyunjae blushed slightly. he bid goodbye sheepishly and put his phone back to its original place. throwing his body back to the bed, hyunjae couldn't stop smiling.

damn, now he was the one who couldn't sleep.


two days later, eunbi found herself standing next to hyunjae in front of sm entertainment building. after calling the sm's agent the day before, she was scheduled to have her audition today.

the audition was a usual procedure before she could be accepted as a trainee and hyunjae had volunteered to accompany her on her important day.

"you ready?" hyunjae asked, looking at the nervous eunbi. she gulped, taking a deep breath and nodded.

hyunjae smiled, finding the girl cuter when she was nervous. he grabbed eunbi by the shoulder and turned her to face him. eunbi was slightly bewildered at his action.

hyunjae then lowered himself to eunbi's height and tucked a strand of hair that was slightly out of place behind her ear. he looked at her straight into the eyes, cupping her cheeks and placed his lips on her forehead for a short peck.

"there— i've given you my kiss so you don't have to be worried. my kiss will bring you goodluck." he winked nonchalantly.

eunbi's face turned scarlet red from embarrassment. she stuttered to say something but nothing seems to come out of her mouth.

hyunjae smiled in amusement as he patted eunbi's hair. "i'll go wander around here till you finish your audition. call me when you are done!"

with that, he walked away, tucking his hands into his jeans' pocket, acting as if nothing happens.

eunbi laughed in disbelief at his sneaky behaviour. thanks to him, she wasn't as nervous as before. taking another deep breath, she made her way into the building with a smile.


i'm so nervous for tomorrow. guess why? all malaysians born on 2000 probably feel the same way as i am.

comment if you are feeling what i'm feeling. i really hope everything went well tomorrow.

anyway, the next update will be up when this chapter reaches 25 votes and at least, 10 comments.


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