+twenty eight

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"how did it goes??"

eunwoo had just entered the dorm when he was ambushed by his members who demanded the details of what happened between him and eunbi. he smiled, amused at their enthusiasm as he let them dragged him to the couch.

"seeing that you're smiling now, must be good news, i guess?" moonbin pointed out with a lopsided smile.

"so? so? what happened? are you back with eunbi now?" jinjin asked excitedly.

eunwoo sighed, but a smile hadn't left his lips. "nope, but we are off to a good start."

mj's brows furrowed, "what does that supposed to mean? are you back with her, or not?"

"because it's impossible to continue our relationship after what happened, i ask her to start over." eunwoo shrugged and continued with a faint smile, "and now, we are friends... i guess."

"so, everything is okay now, hyung?" sanha asked with a relieved smile and eunwoo nodded.

"congrats, hyung." rocky tapped his shoulder from behind. "now, you can stop moping around and focus more on practice." he said, with a hint of teasing.

the boys laughed and started their usual playful banter, and in the midst of chatter, eunwoo smiled, heaving a breathe of relief as he thought of her and their future.

"eunbi nuna!"

eunbi turned her head towards the voice and her eyes widened when she saw all members of astro approaching her. she cracked a small smile at them, clenching her hands to hide her nervousness at meeting them again.

"hi." she greeted them politely, bowing slightly. she could see that they were being watched by the staffs around them, as they were in the middle of hallway. wouldn't want to start any rumours now, do we?

"eiii, you don't have to be so formal with us, eunbi." jinjin said with a smile, "we prefer you treat us like before."

she grinned awkwardly, "but i'm your junior now. it would be rude to treat you like friends."

"eiii,nuna." rocky frowned, "right now, you are our friends, the eunbi nuna — not the idol, raine. so, be comfortable."

eunbi chuckled, "alright, rocky-ah."

"anyway, have you finished your schedule? if you are done, would you join us for dinner? we should hang out together!" moonbin invited, and all boys nodded excitedly.

eunbi hummed in thought and just then, her manager, a man in his thirties, appeared from behind. "eunbi— oh. astro is here too?"

the boys all greeted him politely and he smiled back, turning to eunbi with questioning look. " they're my friends. i've known them way before i become a trainee." she explained, and he nodded.

"well, eunbi's schedule has ended and i need to bring her back to the dorm." he said to the boys and jinjin quickly cut in, "actually, we are inviting eunbi for dinner. if you allow her, that is. don't worry, we can ask our manager to send her back to the dorm safely after the dinner."

the manager thought for a while before shrugging, "well, since you are going in a group, i suppose it wouldn't be a problem." he turned to eunbi, "i'll see you tomorrow morning, eunbi."

eunbi nodded and thanked her manager for his hard work today. she bowed at him, together with all astro members, as they watched him walked away.

then, moonbin clapped his hand, grabbing their attention. "shall we go now?"

eunwoo smiled at moonbin's enthusiasm before glancing at eunbi, a small, relieved smile was on his lips at the fact that she was happy and smiling again. as if on cue, her eyes met his and they both held their gaze for a moment.

her lips slowly curved into a small smile, one that is sincere and eunwoo felt his heart skipped a beat. his moment was cut short though, when moonbin slung his arm around his shoulder, pulling him away with him as he walked towards the lift — totally oblivious of what he had interrupted.

eunwoo shot a subtle glare at the clueless moonbin in annoyance, though his annoyance quickly dissipated once he heard her laugh from behind.

everything is okay, and they are gonna be okay from now on.

runaway love / cha eunwoo astro ✔Where stories live. Discover now