+thirty seven

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eunbi had just fallen asleep when her phone rang. reaching for the device, she peeked one eye to see the caller, her brows furrowing when she saw sanha's name on the screen.

why is sanha calling her in the middle of the night?

hesitantly, she accepted the call, putting her phone against her ear and spoke. "sanha?"

"nuna!" came sanha's urgent voice, "have you seen eunwoo hyung?"

"eunwoo? no. he has been ignoring me for some unknown reasons. but is there something wrong?" the urgency in the younger's voice got her worried.

"really? that's weird— he said he wanted to meet you though..." sanha muttered lowly. eunbi could hear the panic in his voice which made her tensed.

"sanha, what's happening?" she asked, and the other line went silence. "sanha?"

sanha sighed before hesitantly answering, "a-actually, eunwoo hyung left almost an hour ago to meet you, but he didn't bring his phone with him. since you said you didn't see him, we didn't know where he is  right now and he still hasn't come home. we are afraid that something happened to him on his way or something."

eunwoo is missing?

"oh,nuna, we are leaving to search for eunwoo hyung so i'll hang up first." then his voice was calmer when he spoke again, "don't worry, nuna. eunwoo hyung will be alright. i'll update you when we find him, okay?"

"i got it. thanks, sanha." sanha's assurance helped her to slightly calm herself. the line went dead and eunbi put away her phone on the side table next to her bed. her gaze travelled to the picture frame on the table; it was a picture taken during her last birthday and her eyes focused on the smiling eunwoo.

cha eunwoo, where are you?

[BREAKING] ASTRO's visual member and a rising actor, cha eunwoo was reportedly involved in a car accident last night. the idol was said to be on his way to meet his friend when he almost got hit by a car. the driver, a man in his 40, turns out to be drunk and had been detained by the police for drunk driving. according to fantagio entertainment, cha eunwoo doesn't suffer from any major injury, but he is still admitted to hospital for further checkup. to read more...

"lee eunbi, is there something wrong?"

eunbi instinctively put aside her phone, adverting her gaze towards her manager who was eyeing her suspiciously.

"no." she faked a smile and swiftly turned away when she felt her eyes watered and her hands trembling from shock. was eunwoo on his way to meet her when he got into the accident? was it her fault that he was injured? how is he right now? all sorts of questions jumbled in her mind, making her numb with worries. none of astro members told her about this and she only found out after reading an article from the net.

"are you sure you are okay? you look somewhat pale though?" her manager asked again. eunbi cleared her throat, forcing herself to keep calm.

"actually, can i end my schedule early today? i suddenly don't feel good." she pled, highkey hoping her manager wouldn't question her further. she wasn't exactly lying when she said that — she was dying with worries and all she wanted is to meet eunwoo, right away if possible.

"well..." her manager glanced at her before he sighed, giving in. "alright, i'll send you back to your dorm then."

"sanha! is eunwoo okay?" eunbi asked the moment the call was connected. she was alone in her dorm, after her manager left to let her rest. she couldn't though, not when she was still in the dark of eunwoo's condition.

"eunbi nuna, sorry for not calling you earlier. the situation is just so hectic that i didn't have time to update you."

"it's okay, i understand. so, how is eunwoo?"

"eunwoo hyung is okay, he only suffers from some bruises and sprained his wrist. the doctor said he just need to rest well."

a shot of relief coursed through her at the news. she slumped on the couch, easing her tensed body.

"eunbi nunaa, if you are that worried of eunwoo hyung, why don't you get back with him?" sanha teased, "it's so obvious that you two still love each other."

"i—i.. i am still mad at him! he had been ignoring me for god knows why. i don't even know what did i do wrong." she mumbled, almost forgetting about that because of the sudden accident.

sanha chuckled before replying, "you did nothing wrong, nuna. eunwoo hyung is just being stupid that he misunderstands you. i'm sure you two have a lot to talk. do you want to meet eunwoo hyung?"

"c-can i?" eunbi hesitantly asked, a hint of hope glimmered in her eyes.

"technically, you can't, since only company staffs and our members are allowed. also, because of all the reporters out there." her lips fell into a frown. talk about fake hope.

"–but we can always sneak you inside, if you want." eunbi could almost imagine sanha smirking when he said that.

she thought of his offer; sneaking inside is clearly dangerous and risky. if she is caught, she could say byebye to her career. at worst, sm might sue her for contract's breaching and she would be eaten alive by eunwoo's fans.

would she do it, risk everything she had just so she could see eunwoo? is he really worth it?

taking a deep breathe, she finally spoke up, "tell me the plan."

runaway love / cha eunwoo astro ✔Where stories live. Discover now