+twenty two

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six months were a long period of time, but not long enough to make eunwoo forget about her. it had been half a year since he last heard about her and he was living his life just fine without having her messing his mind. he was almost sure that he could forget her existence entirely if he was given more time but it seems like fate is trying to play with him.

it was just another busy day. they were still getting ready for their performance at the live music show. the waiting room was packed with stylists and you could hear the bustling sound of the staff outside the room.

"eunwoo, you're done." the stylist finished her last touch on his hair and smiled proudly, "now you can rest while i do sanha's hair."

eunwoo thanked her and got up to the couch while sanha took over his place. he looked around for his members but all of them were still in the middle of getting ready, if not sleeping. not wanting to interrupt them, eunwoo turned to watch the TV hung on the wall which was showing the on-going show they were about to perform at.

and that was when she appeared before his eyes. it was just a glance before the scene changed to the two hosts of the music show but it was enough for eunwoo to recognise her. it didn't really made sense to him, as to why she could appear there and for a second, he thought he could be mistaken, but what the hosts announced after that made everything believable.

she was here to debut as a new singer of sm entertainment, under the stage name 'raine', which was probably taken from the last part of her name.

the rumour of sm entertainment debuting a new singer under them had been circling in the air for weeks and almost everyone in the entertainment industry were talking about it with expectation since sm was known to produce the best, highest quality of talents.

eunwoo heard about it since the rumour caused quite a stir within the idols but he had never expected for her to be the one everyone was talking about.

why now? why she had to appear again when he was just about to move on?

at the moment, what rocky and jinjin had told him before, about her and her new boyfriend, was replaying in his mind. he felt betrayed, at the same time, part of him wanted to hold her again.

"eunwoo, are you okay?"

eunwoo jumped in surprise when he felt a hand on his shoulder. he looked up to see mj staring down at him with confusion. he smiled apologetically and assured the latter that he was okay. though mj didn't seem convinced about it, he decided to brush it off.

just then, a staff opened the door to their waiting room, "ASTRO, you are up in five minutes!"

they simultaneously replied politely and got ready to leave the room, eunwoo being the last to exit.

he took a few deep breathes to calm himself and focus his mind on the performance. a part of him prepared for the worse, just in case fate decided to test him by meeting them together.


"congratulations lee eunbi!"

eunbi jumped in surprise the moment she entered her waiting room as she was shoved with bouquets of flowers and rained by confettis, courtesy by her manager and team of stylist.

she had just finished performing her first stage as a singer and it went perfectly well, just like how she had practiced. all her efforts for almost half of year felt completely worth it as she managed to achieve her dream.

it was funny though. after everything that she had been through, this moment felt surreal. she couldn't believe that she managed to come to this stage.

"thank you everyone! this is all thanks to you. i wouldn't make it here if not for your help!" she smiled thankfully, looking at each and everyone in the room until she realised something. "but where is baekhyun and chanyeol oppa? they said they will come with others."

"ahh? those exo boys? they have sudden schedule so they couldn't come. they said they are sorry and will congratulate you at the company instead." her manager said.

eunbi nodded in understanding. it wasn't a surprise actually. exo hardly has rest time so she wouldn't want to bother them even more.

"so, raine-ssi, are you ready for your first activity?" her manager asked with a smirk before giving her a small bag containing her first single albums.

"what do you want me to do with these?" eunbi asked in confusion.

"this is the tradition for all rookie idols and you have no exception. you need to introduce yourself properly to your senior idols and give them that as a gift. here is the list of idols that performed today and their waiting room's numbers." eunbi looked at her manager dumbfoundedly and her manager only sighed. "just do what i said and don't skip any of those names. get it?"


"good, now go! we'll clean up this room in the meantime."

eunbi exited the room, still slightly bewildered with the task. she wasn't aware of such tradition but guess it just a new thing she needed to learn as a rookie.

"apink, mamamoo, seventeen, ikon, twice—" she began skimming through the list while walking but her steps came to a halt when she came across a name, "astro."


first of all, I'M SO SORRY FOR THE LATE, LATE, LATE UPDATE!!! i don't know if any of you is still waiting, or even reading, this story and i don't blame you if you stop supporting this story.

i'm a bad writer and i deserved to be scolded. but in my defense, i just started my university life and the first month was so hectic, i barely find time to rest so i hope you do understand me.

anyway, i would like to thank those who have been asking for update from the previous chapter. this chapter is specially for you guys. i'm honestly touched that you guys even asked for an update and yet, didn't want to pressure me. i feel like i don't deserve all these support.

sorry, thank you and love you guys.

(eunbi's stage name is raine because i'm not creative enough to think of decent name or i'm just lazy to do that. so i was like, why not i just take my username as inspiration? plus, the name fits her. do tell me if you have a more decent, un-cringey stage name for eunbi tho. ;)) i'll make sure to change it if it suits her better.)

runaway love / cha eunwoo astro ✔Where stories live. Discover now