+twenty nine

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eunbi nuna!
are you busy atm?

hi sanha!
no, not really. why?

hihi nothing
i just realised that your birthday is coming up.
so do you want anything for your birthday?
just tell me anything, i can get it for you
even eunwoo hyung hehe ^^

haha thank you
i almost forget about my own birthday lmao
but i don't really want anything tbh
you don't need to trouble yourself 😅

"hyung, eunbi nuna doesn't want anything for her birthday." sanha announced, looking up from his phone towards his five members. a look of concern crossed his face as he asked, "what should we do then?"

the guys were all gathered at the living room. it was their day off after a long month of hectic schedules and initially, everyone was just doing their own thing when sanha suddenly reminded them of eunbi's upcoming birthday which was in two weeks, which led to the sudden meeting as they discussed the planning for the special date.

if eunwoo wanted to get eunbi back, he must grab this opportunity to make her fall back in love with him and astro members were all in to help eunwoo with his plan.

"there must be something she want or need. try asking her again." moonbin said after a moment as everyone thought in silence. sanha nodded and turned back to his phone, his hands swiftly typing on the screen.

eiii nunaaaa
it's not a trouble at all
perhaps, do you have any wish or things you want to do?
tell me pleaseee~
who knows it might just comes true 😉

but i really don't have anything i want to do atm
i think, i just want to forget all pain and start over a new life
you know, to be happy with my friends and family
that would be enough haha
so, do you think it will come true? 😝

sanha showed the conversation to his hyungs and waited for their reaction. rocky was the first one to speak, "waah sanha, your way of texting is really...." he drawled, tilting his head in thought as he searched for the right words, "annoyingly cute." he scrunched his face in displeasure, earning a scoff and roll of eyes from the youngest.

"if you're jealous, then just say it."

"ha, that is the most hilarious thing i have ever heard in this world."

"kids, stop it." jinjin interfered their banter and gave sanha his phone back. "so, any idea on what should we do for her birthday?"

"should we just go to the church and pray for her happiness?" mj suggested innocently.

"seriously, hyung?"

"that is the second hilarious thing i have ever heard in this world."

"it's actually a good idea, but we need something else."

mj scoffed and pouted, crossing his arms against his chest. "then, i don't know. cha eunwoo, you suggest." he was definitely sulking at the moment.

"yeah, hyung. you are the brain of our group. plus, you know eunbi nuna the most." moonbin agreed, and all eyes were on eunwoo, waiting for his idea.

eunwoo sighed, taking a moment as he racked his brain for a hopefully brilliant idea. he thought back to the conversation, replaying her wish over and over until something clicked in his head.

"i got it!" he exclaimed, a confident smile on his lips, knowing exactly the perfect surprise for her.

runaway love / cha eunwoo astro ✔Where stories live. Discover now