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the trainee evaluation day was going to be held by the end of the month — seol had informed the trainees when she came to check on them a few days later.

all twenty of them was gathered in a room as seol gave a brief explanation and some advices about the upcoming evaluation.

they got two weeks until the day of evaluation and it was barely enough for them to prepare themselves and plan their performances.

not all the trainees were excited for that day and that included eunbi. she was worried, nervous and anxious, all at the same time, at the thought of performing. she knew it wasn't easy to pass the evaluation on the first try, in fact it was pretty impossible, unless you have jaw-dropping skills and was a really talented trainee, as a matter of fact.

she remembered baekhyun's advice a few days back; how she should do her best to pass the evaluation if she wanted the bullying to stop. but could she do it? her overall skills were nothing impressive, truth to be told.

speaking of baekhyun, he really kept his words to keep her secret safe. up until now, she didn't hear anything suspicious yet.

eunbi smiled contently at the thought, finding it amusing. but her smile instantly disappeared when nicole tapped her shoulder, startling her out of her trance.

"unnie, do you already have idea on what you're gonna performing on the evaluation day?" she asked in a whisper, leaning nearer to eunbi.

eunbi shook her head, "i'll think about it later." she said and smiled, focusing her attention back to seol who was still talking.


hyunjae, i'm sorry. i think i'm gonna be busy until the end of the month, because of evaluation day is coming up. am not gonna be available until then. i hope u understand me 😭 ily ❤

eunbi finally sent the text to hyunjae after minutes of thinking, pondering the right way to tell him. she was sorry for doing that towards the kind guy, but she was determined to focus solely on practicing and passed the evaluation, no matter how thin her chances are.

taking a deep sigh, she shut her phone off and placed it inside her locker before closing it.

i could live without my phone for a while, she thought before making her way towards the dance room to continue her practice yet again.


two weeks that was given to the trainees to prepare for the evaluation came by, in what seemed to be a blink of eye. it was finally the day of evaluation and every trainees were gathered inside a big performance-studio room, with sm's producers and trainers sitting on a long table, ready to judge them.

all trainees were dressed according to the concept of their performance and eunbi settled herself with a simple outfit. compared to others, she looked totally underdressed.

but that was the last thing playing in her mind. her hands were frozen from nervousness seeping through every single cells in her body. she gulped down the lump forming in her throat once in every minutes and her face was paler than usual.

her mind kept repeating every single dance moves she had been practicing for two weeks non-stop. she had been working her ass off for two weeks, she basically lived in the dance room or vocal room within that time.

eunbi watched as one after one trainees went to the center and began performing, the producers watching them without any emotion, it's hard to guess what they're thinking.

her performance was the last, since she was the newest trainee among them. with every performance the trainees carried out, she felt her self-esteem dropping lower and lower until she felt she couldn't do it.

that thought, however, was cut short when seol called out her name. she was baffled for a moment, everyone giving her a weird look and that was when she noticed that it was her time to perform already. she must have been lost in thought to notice that everyone else had finished.

she cleared her throat and took a deep breathe to calm and compose herself. as she stepped to the center, she caught her fellow dormmates, except woora of course, mouthing "goodluck!" to her.

she smiled to them, thankful for their support.

she stood in the center, looking at each judges straight into the eyes and smiled before introducing herself.

"hello, i'm lee eunbi. i've just started training here a month ago. although i'm new, but i'll do my best. i hope you enjoy my performance." she bowed to them. then she looked over her shoulder to seol who stood next to the stereo and nodded at her, a sign for her to start the music.

eunbi closed her eyes, her ears perking out as she listened to the song, the first part of exo's growl was playing.

she let herself drowned into the rhythm, putting everything to the back of her mind, and began dancing the dance routines she had been remembered all too well.

within the first fifteen seconds, she found her confidence back and her lips quirked up into a smug, confident smirk.


alright, i'm so sorry for not updating this story for over a month. you can say i kinda lost inspiration because i think that this story took a wrong turn and had stray away from the plot i intended to (it's my mistake that i'm fully aware about) but anyway, i'll try to write this story until the end ( cause i got the ending planned already).

this chapter is dedicated to: @jienuji for nicely asking me an update when i thought everyone had forgotten this story. the amount of love and support of this story is overwhelming me, albeit i don't deserve any of these.

again, i'm sorry. 😭😭😭

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