+twenty four

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"hyung, what are you thinking of?"

eunwoo snapped out of his thoughts, turning his head to the voice and realised that rocky was sitting opposite him, eyes questioning with a brow raised. he glanced at their surrounding and noticed the cafe was practically empty, leaving only them and some staffs around.

astro was having an interview shooting at a broadcasting station, and eunwoo decided to grab some coffee before the shooting started. he needed some space to think, that is before rocky decided to join him there.

he cracked a faint smile, shaking his head at the younger boy and shrugged, "nothing."

rocky eyed him in disbelief, "you don't really expect me to believe that, did you?" when eunwoo didn't answer him, he clicked his tongue and sighed, briefly glancing at their surrounding, "don't tell me you are thinking about—"

rocky drawled, his eyes narrowing like he was trying to read eunwoo's mind. eunwoo gulped nervously. for some reasons, he felt as if rocky could see through him.

"the interview after this, right?"

relief washed over eunwoo at rocky's guess. he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and grinned faintly, "y-yeah, how did—"

but rocky cut him off bluntly, "you also don't actually expect me to say that, right?"

eunwoo was caught off guard, and his smile of relief disappeared into thin air. "h-huh?"

rocky sighed grimly, "you're being way too obvious, hyung. eunbi nuna. she is the one you're thinking about, right?" he looked at eunwoo with absolute certainty that eunwoo found himself unable to deny.

it was the truth, after all.

eunwoo couldn't help himself from thinking about her. it was hard not to, especially these few days, when they would occassionally met or bumped into each other when their schedule clashed.

it was hell for him, to pretend that they were nothing but senior and junior. when they were standing near each other, yet he couldn't even glance her way for there were cameras everywhere.

it was so hard to pretend that he was okay with her around. she was so near, but so far from his reach.

at those times, eunwoo always found himself wondering where did everything started going wrong. whose fault it was to begin with? was it to show that they were not meant to be together? or it was just one of many obstacles that they needed to face during their relationship?

were they even still in a relationship, to begin with?

"see? you're spacing out, again." rocky huffed and sighed helplessly. "hyung, just do something about it."

"huh?" he eyed rocky in utter confusion.

"just confront her. or forget her and move on. it's better than you moping around like a lovesick puppy." rocky explained, "talk everything out, get the closure you need or fix your relationship altogether. do either way. i'm sick of seeing you like this."

"easier said than done, rocky."

the latter grumbled in irritation, "hyung, don't be a coward. man it up and solve your issues!"

it sounded harsh and eunwoo found himself glaring at the younger boy. sure, he was glad that rocky cared and encouraged him, but he was slowly getting on his nerves.

rocky immediately cowered at the sharp glare he received. he cleared his throat and began again, this time with a softer voice. "honestly, i was so disappointed with eunbi nuna. i see how you struggled to get yourself together after she left, and then, i saw her with another guy, looking happy. of course, i was mad at her for you."

eunwoo listened in silence as rocky continued, "i even thought that you are better off without her. i wanted to hate her, but i— i just couldn't. eventhough i saw her with another guy using my own eyes, i just couldn't bring myself to believe that she cheated on you. why? because i believed in her and i liked her as my sister."

rocky then patted his hand on eunwoo's shoulder, "my point is; just go and meet her. i believed her and you should too. you loved her, after all. then maybe, you could move on. better, you might save your relationship too."

eunwoo thought over rocky's words, and he came to a conclusion that nothing is going to go wrong if he tried. at least that's what he hoped.

"i got it." eunwoo said after a moment, a sincere smile on his lips, "thanks, rocky."

"it's nothing." rocky smiled back, "if you want to see her, tell me and the members. we'll help back you up from the managers."

just then, their phone buzzed simultaneously.



sorry and enjoy.

runaway love / cha eunwoo astro ✔Where stories live. Discover now