+thirty eight

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moonbin and rocky stepped out from the hospital's back entrance, their eyes searching for a particular person and it didn't take long for them to spot her.

"eunbi nuna!" moonbin called out in hushed whisper. eunbi turned her head towards the faint noise, quickly making her way towards the two guys waiting for her. the three then entered the building again, not before scanning their surrounding to make sure there isn't anyone watching them.

eunbi walked slightly behind moonbin and rocky. with a cap and face mask to cover her face, she could see a group of reporters on the lobby. they immediately perked up upon noticing the two members of astro.

while moonbin and rocky approached the reporters to divert their attention, eunbi turned into the corner and entered the lift, directing herself towards the vip floor. upon reaching, sanha was there to get her.

they walked through the hallway to get to eunwoo's room, making sure to avoid nurses on their way. in front of eunwoo's hospital room, mj and jinjin was waiting.

"manager hyung left to grab us some food so you only have twenty minutes at the most." jinjin told her. "did anyone sees you coming here?"

"i don't think so." eunbi shook her head. "and thanks for doing this for me." she smiled gratefully and mj nudged her playfully.

"it's nothing. plus, this is quite fun too." he winked, "now, get inside and... do whatever you want to do with eunwoo- just remember to be careful and don't make too much noise-" jinjin was quick to smack mj's side and sanha shot the oldest member a disgusted look.

with an amused smile on her lips, eunbi shook her head at the three and slowly opened the door, revealing eunwoo on the bed, playing with his phone on one hand. his left hand was casted and there was a small bruise on the corner of his lips.




eunwoo definitely wasn't expecting to see eunbi in his hospital room that day. when he heard the commotion outside the room, he thought it was just his members being loud as usual.

"are you okay?" eunbi's eyes were filled with worry as she eyed the cast on eunwoo's left hand, before travelling to the visible bruise on his face. eunwoo's lips curved into a small, sheepish smile as he slowly nodded, "yeah, as you can see."

eunbi heaved a sigh, "why did you even go out alone in the middle of the night? can't you wait until next morning or something?"

she sounded like an angry mom, but eunwoo found it amusing and cute. well, at least, it showed that she still cared.

"i was on my way to see you, actually." he explained, looking at her reaction warily. she stared at him for a moment before sighing, "i know. sanha told me last night."

"y-you know?"

the worry was gone, and now she was annoyed, "do you know how worried i am when he told me you went mia on your way to meet me? you ignored me for the whole week and suddenly, you wanted to see me? huh, what are you even thinking, cha eunwoo?"

" i was being stupid, okay?!" eunwoo became frustrated as well. "i'm sorry that i ignored you. i thought the scandal was true- i wasn't aware that your so-called new boyfriend is just taehwan hyung until last night." he mumbled the last part, his cheeks turning red in embarrassment.

"hah." eunbi scoffed out loud, "you ignored me because of the scandal? are you really stupid? do you think i was dumb enough to hug my boyfriend in public?"

eunwoo looked down in silent. he knew he was wrong but she wasn't supposed to blame it all on him. his members were wrong too for not telling him earlier.

runaway love / cha eunwoo astro ✔Where stories live. Discover now