+twenty six

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i sacrificed my sleep for this, i'm touched by my own effort :')) and btw, what i really meant to say about the low votes on the last chapter is that i'm not surprised that i received low votes because i haven't updated for so long and maybe people have stopped reading this book and i blamed myself for that (i mean, i'm not saying that to complain or anything, in fact i'm just happy to even receive your votes and support). i figured it come out as demanding, ungrateful or even arrogant, so i hope that clears everything. i'm sorry if my words offend you.


"we have a lot to talk about. for example, the reasons you suddenly left me without explanation."

the accusing tone in eunwoo's voice triggered something within eunbi. it was as if all the feelings she surpressed deep in her heart, all her misery and anger was pulled back to surface.

she ignored the tears that escaped her eyes and scoffed, "are you really asking me that question?? i'm sure you know better about the reasons why i left though." sarcasm was heavy in her voice and eunbi knew, she was getting into his nerves but she didn't care.

let all the truth out and see who is the victim.

eunwoo let out a breath of disbelief, "me?? you are the one who left when they found out about us." eunwoo gritted his teeth and continued, "you are the one who chose to leave, lee eunbi."

eunwoo glared right into her eyes, daring her to deny his words. it was the truth. sure, maybe she was forced to leave the company. eunwoo could understand that, but what he couldn't bring himself to understand is that why she chose to cut all their connections, and leave him hanging without any explanation.

"you abandoned me, remember?"

"what?" eunwoo exclaimed in shock.

"i heard everything, eunwoo. the moment you chose your career over me, i know i will always be the second one in your life."

eunwoo was instantly brought back to the day when his manager confronted him about his relationship. he didn't expect her to hear that. sure, he had chosen his career back then, but she should know that she was just as important to him.

"eunbi, i did it because—"

"i know." she cut him off, "i know you did it for your members. although it hurts, but i can understand you, i really did."

then, why?  eunwoo internally screamed.

"but the director told me that i will always be the second one to you and eventually, i will be forgotten and replaced. i know he was just saying that to make me break up with you but somehow, i couldn't deny his words. he had a point, after all." she bitterly laughed, though eunwoo didn't find anything funny about his words.

"then, i waited for you. i waited for hours at the company, eunwoo. i wanted you to come and explain, tell me that you didn't mean to break up with me but you never come. you gave up on me — no, you gave up on us, eunwoo."

eunwoo opened his mouth to speak but nothing seems to come out. his own eyes were glistening and a lone tear escaped the brim of his eyes. "i'm sorry." it came out as a whisper, one that came from the deepest part of his heart.

"you've heard all you wanted to hear. now, please. just leave me—" eunbi was stunned when she was pulled into his embrace, "i love you, lee eunbi." he whispered with his head burried in her neck.

she could feel his tears wetting the blouse she was wearing. her own tears streaming down her face as she stood frozen in his arms.

"come back to me, lee eunbi." he muttered and that managed to snap eunbi back to reality.

"we can't do this, eunwoo." she pushed him away but he wouldn't let go, "h-hyunjae— this is wrong, eunwoo. let me go." her mind was a mess but one thing she knew, she shouldn't be doing this to hyunjae.

eunwoo watched her struggle to free herself and quietly asked, "do you love him, eunbi?"

she was caught off guard by the question and found herself looking at him in the eyes. "do you really love him now? have i lost my place in your heart? do you hate me, lee eunbi?"

the answer was obviously a no. she hated herself for this, but she just couldn't forget him and there was no way she could replace him, or even hate him. but she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of hearing the truth.

"yes." she looked away, afraid that he would see through her lie. "now let me go."

"look at me and say it, eunbi. tell me that you love him more than you love me, then i will let you go and leave from your side, forever." eunwoo demanded, pulling her closer making her gasps.

"i—" she heaved a heavy breath. she couldn't. "please let me go—"

her words were cut short when eunwoo closed the distance between their lips and kissed her softly. she pulled away almost instantly, eyes wide in shock.


for the second time, eunwoo kissed her lips to silence her, this time with more passion. at first, she tried to break apart but soon after, eunwoo felt eunbi started kissing him back.

he opened his eyes slightly to see her tears fell to her cheeks. "i miss you, lee eunbi." he said in between their kiss, his hand cradling his face and wiping her tears.

eunbi said nothing as she continued kissing him. there would be consequences for doing this, but right now, she just didn't care.


eunbi heard a familiar voice called out, and the moment she realised who was the owner of that voice, it was all too late.

hyunjae had already witnessed everything.


i honestly cringed when i wrote the kiss scene

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