Chapter 4 || PREFECTSHIP

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Teemarh's POV


       I sat on the seat the teacher directed me to after I had introduced myself to the class, the lessons went smoothly as most of the students were not paying attention like the handsome arrogant jerk who claimed my seat to be his.

      Time moved fast and it's now break time, Zulaiha came to me apologising for what handsome jerk did to me but I told her not to worry since it's not her fault,  I believed her when she said the seat was not his, he was only looking for trouble and he got it.

      We went to the cafeteria to grab some food, my stomach was making  silly noises crying to be delivered from the gnawing hunger and  the only help I could render it was to feed my tummy with a delicious lunch.

        I ordered rice and stew whereas Zulaiha ordered pizza, I was puzzled at what she ordered because we didn't get to eat breakfast so I thought she will get something heavy to put in her stomach but I was wrong.

    "Why aren't you eating something heavy, I mean real food beside this pizza of a thing?" I asked looking her know the eye,  "I prefer fast food" she retorted a smile plastered on her face,  "you will end up getting fat from eating fast food", she threw her head back bursting in a fit of her infectious laughter I joined laughing like I had no care in the world,  I bumped into someone spilling the content of my plate on the person's shirt.

      I raised my head and was met with the angry face of Mr Handsome Jerk,  he was looking down at me his eyes  filled with fury  like a lion  who had missed its prey. I was shaking in the boots from the look in his eyes,  his golden iris were fiery and the white of his eyes were red, I was petrified rooted at the spot completely clueless of what to do, I pulled out my blue bandana trying to clean up the mess on his shirt but he quickly stepped back giving me a disgusting glare "what did u just do to my white shirt?" he asked his nose blaring, I looked up at him with teary eyes, tears ready to spill  "sorry" I blurted with in a low tone why was I acting like that, I asked myself  his voice snapped me out of my thought " if sorry can work out mistakes there won't be police and rules to follow" he uttered in a chilly voice, looking me directly in the eye, my eyes fluttered my mind turned mush.

My eyes slowly darted when I  saw a movement at his back, his friend tapped him on the shoulder "Forgive her for today she already apologized", he stared at me before moving closer with just a few inches between us, " this is the second time I'm sparing you, don't expect so the third time you mess up with me clumsy  girl" he whispered making a chill ran down my spine , he walked away after the warning and I  could feel hungry crying butterflies dancing in my stomach.

       His friends stared at me before leaving the cafeteria, like a TV that had been suddenly unmuted the place became noisy, a  new topic of discussion on board.
Zulaiha gently laid her hands on my shoulder in a comforting way and the tears I've been trying to hold rolled down my cheeks.

     I left the cafeteria to the rooftop of the school building and screamed,  letting out what was eating me inside "ahhhhhhh, I hate u jerk(the opposite), I hate everything about you" I muttered repeatedly to myself before sitting on one of the benches.

I grabbed my chilled coke and took a huge gulp I felt a little bit relieved my anger dissipating "are rich kids always like this?" I asked myself "nobody is interested in being my friend except for Zulaiha who has been friendly ever since I got here. The bell rang signalling break over and I had to go back to class with an empty stomach or should I say a stomach filled with sugary beverage.

     I went to the class only to find the  girl with the painted nail who I presumed to be  Anita yes that was her,  the class informer, informing the class that there will be tagging of prefectship in the next 30mins and the whole class were jubilating about the news except  me and the "charming guys"(that's what the students call them), I took my seat and brought out my phone  to listen to some cool music before the tagging of the prefectship  "See who is now holding iPhone 6, THE SCHOLAR" I heard her utter,  the two girls behind her giggled  staring down at me, I kept quiet trying to calm myself  "I'm sure you've never hold this kind of phone before and now that you have it you are trying to act big" she added , the girls giggled again,  I  bowed my head not ready to respond to  their insults, "Uh.... " I stole a glance at her,  her lips were  opened but no words left her mouth.
The Principal,  V.P and Mr Sam walked into the class ordering everyone to take their seats, maybe that was the reason she kept mute.

     They started calling out names announcing the position each person was to hold, they started from the punctuality prefect,  laboratory, library  then the head girl and boy with their assistants, I was surprised when my name was called as the head girl and Safeeya my assistant, Hakeem (the handsome jerk) as headboy and Bashir his assistant where as Zulaiha became the Sports prefect.

        They left the class after they were done with the announcement,  "Hey  you poor girl from the slum"  Safeeyah one of the girls hollered loudly jumping in front of me,  "how can you just come from nowhere and steal the post I've  wanted  since Js1" she added looking down at me in disgust, I  held her gaze anger rolling from mine,  who on earth gave her the right to insult my status, I might be poor but I know my worth and I won't just sit  there while they treat me like some piece of trash, "I might come from the slums but I'm way much better than you because I've never acted like some stuck up bitch with an overbearing attitude like you, if that's what wealth has people acting then I'd rather remain poor"  I added chilly my anger seeping through my voice,  her chest heaved her eyes  fiery with anger she raised her hand  to slap me when someone  held her hand and that someone happened to be Mr handsome jerk.
He looked at me before averting his gaze  to her  "Go meet the school counsel if you badly want the position", he released her hand from his tight grip after saying those words and left the class his gang  following behind like they always do.

     She rolled her eyes at me before leaving the class  her gang of friends trailing behind as well. I sighed before placing my head on my desk, I'm tired of all these back to back drama that has been happening since morning. Zulaiha was the only one who stayed by my side till closing time, we went back to the dorm tired than ever. "I never thought I'll have such heartless classmates" I muttered looking her in the eye", she smiled "Let's go take our bath then go for dinning, I will tell you about each of your classmate and their character so you won't get in trouble" she replied , I nodded  before taking off my uniform.

      We bathed then walked down to the dinning hall to have our dinner, we walked back to the dorm after  dinner and Zulaiha brought out a magazine I found out to be last year's school magazine, she opened the first page  "this is Hakeem the son of the  proprietor, his family is rich they have different companies in almost every state of Nigeria and abroad,  "this is Bashir" she said pointing to the picture next to Hakeem's  he is Hakeem's bestfriend and he is gentle and cool,  "over here are Sadik and Kamal" she went on, pointing to their pics as she told me about them,  "here is Safeeya the assistant head girl she has a crush on Hakeem and this is" I tuned her out thinking of the ones she had introduced, she continued till I could feel my eyes droop. I yawned and got up from her bed to mine after saying my goodnight and recited my night azkar  before finally dozing off to La La land with my prince charming (Mr arrogant) making his debut in the land only the two of us existed.

      Much Luv.

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