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Btw, if the text is italics like this then they're talking in English. Usually this would be in a conversation.

I finally arrived to America after such a long flight. I'm here to visit my sister who moved here after high school for college. I got my suitcase and went through security check. I exited the building ready to text my sister, Min. I reached for my phone till I heard a shout.

"(Y/N)!!! Over here!"

I turned my head to see my sister with her boyfriend by their car. I loaded my bag in the trunk and started heading to her apartment. Since her roommate was out for a trip, she told me to stay in her room. I'm only staying for 3 days so it wasn't any trouble but I still felt like a burden and wanted to just sleep on the couch so I wouldn't ruin anything.

It didn't matter since we were always out of the house. Min wanted me to do everything she loved. In the day, we would walk around and visit fun places and restaurants and then at night, Min would take me to fun clubs and bars.

I accidentally bumped into someone on the way to one of the clubs.

"Oh. Im so sorry. I didn't see you."
"It's okay. It was my fault I didn't see you."

My English seemed a bit broken since I haven't talked in English for a bit but I was still fluent. I apologized one more time before I kept walking. He looks familiar. Maybe I've bumped into him before or we went to school together but I couldn't put it together.

Hoped you like my story!! I'll probably post one tomorrow since it just started. I'll try to keep them a good length. Unlike today where it was just short, I'll try to make them not too short but not tooo long

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