~6~In love?

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I was talking with SooBin and she asked me where I came from. I told her I came from the cafe and what happened with Suga and I.
She gasped, "I wouldn't expect that from him. He's always so cold but he does care about his members. Maybe he's warming up to you."
"But the thing is that he was warm to me right after he said I wanted attention for cu-"
I cut myself off for realizing what I was about to say but I tried to cover it. "For joining BigHit  after I bumped into him a few times in the US."
"That's a thing a jerk would do! I'm gonna have a real talk with him!"
I couldn't help but laugh. I tried to hold it in but seriously couldn't help but burst into laughter. She gave me a mad look meaning it's not funny but after we starred at each other we both broke into laughter.

I realized I forgot to go back and so I said goodbye to SooBin and she also gave me her number because we always forgot to get them. I ran up seeing the guys wait for me. I see Suga starring at me with a smirk. I could tell I was blushing madly. Everyone gave me a worried and confused look. I hate how he does this! Suga you can't play with my feelings like that especially when I'm on lov- no! You can't! Control yourself. You can't fall in love!!

We finished our dance practice and I was ready to run out. I saw everyone left to change into clean clothes but I didn't really care. I was about to turn the doorknob and step out but someone grabbed my wrist and spun me around. My arm was twisted over my other arm which made me vulnerable. I look up. Of course it's him. My face went from poker to furrowing my eyebrows and being upset and mad. I also was blushing because of the position we were in. Obviously he saw and had a smirk on his face. He pushed me against the wall having me be free and being able to move but both his hands were leaning against the wall making it the a cage that I couldn't escape. Ugh he still had a smirk.
"Wipe that smirk off before I do." I said annoyed.
"Aw come on (y/n) I'm trying to have a little fun." What is with his personality. He has more personalities then the states and countries combined together
"What is with your personality?? Why is it always changing?" I snap back. He still had the dumb smirk plastered on his face.
"How about dinner tomorrow night? It's our free day. I'll pick you up at 7. Dress nice too." With that, he wiped the smirk off his face into his normal poker, sleepy face. It's as if nothing happened.

I finally got home and went to the restroom to get ready. I can't believe I'm going tomorrow.

A/N~ I'm so tired rn😪😴😴 hope you enjoyed!!

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