~17~Just leave

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He started to make it way towards me. Why can't I move?? Run y/n!!! Just go the other direction.

When I finally got the chance to move, it was stopped by the grip of my wrist. I turned around... Alex.

Rage and fury got the best of me when I furiously pulled my wrist back and snapped,
"Why are you here??"
"I was invited by a friend."
"Hm friends? Or one of the girls you sleep with?"
"Aish y/n can we forget about that? I really came back to be with you. I really lo-"
"Don't you say that! We were through and we still are. You would have to love the second person more in order to cheat on the first one. So obviously you don't love me. Now leave... before I hurt you myself."

With that I walked away, if I still cared, I would've start tearing up but i didn't even bother to waste tears on him. It was just anger.

It was obvious someone heard the conversation that just happened when a voice interrupts my thought, "are you ok? I mean after that?"
"You heard, huh?"
"Well I guess I might have eavesdropped."
I chuckled lightly trying to relax,
"It's fine. I just need to finish business."
"Would you like to dance with me?"
"I don't know, Jimin."
"One dance?" He said as he reached his hand out expecting me to take it. I hesitated at first but as I was about to take it, a voice interrupted both of us.
"I think I'll take it from here." Yoongi
"If you say so." Jimin walked off after he winked to both of us.
"So, y/n, will you dance with me?"
"I can't..."
"And why is that?"
"..." He already knows why I can't so why does he keep trying? Without warning, he took my hand and lead me to the dance floor. He put my arms around his neck while he wrapped his arms around my waist and we just swayed to the beat of the slow song.

Our eyes couldn't look away from each other. I wanted to break contact but I kept falling deeper within this hole. Should I just let it happen? Or should I crawl out? My heart and my brain are screaming two different things at the same time. I just can't decide. I didn't even notice I was crying till Yoongi shook me asking if I was ok.
"Oh yea. I didn't realize I was crying."
"What were you thinking about?"
"I guess just overthinking the future..." I responded as I looked down.
"Don't bother to think of the future. Right now, I like the present so don't think and enjoy."
I was so surprised that I immediately looked up in surprised but realized how close I was and broke the gaze again. It was just silent after that but it was nice.

Sorry for the inactivity. I was planning a trip and had some boy issues and so I was more stressed out than usual but I'm here now!

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