~9~The Reason

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That voice. I guess Suga heard too because he turned. My eyes widened seeing him. My old ex, Alex. Why is he here? He should be gone.
"A-Alex? Why are you here?"
"I moved back to Korea. I'm glad I found you because I wanted to tell you something." He tried reaching for my hand but I immediately pull it back.
"Oh... you look beautiful."
I didn't respond. He started walking towards me till a figure moved before Alex could get to me.
"Sorry but you should keep your distance."
Suga? What was he doing?
"Says who?" Alex snapped back
"Her boyfriend." I couldn't help but turn into a tomato. I look back and see Alex with a shock yet disappointed face. I step out from behind Alex.
"I don't know why you're here and what you wanted to tell me bits it's best if you leave. It's best that way."
I walk away with Suga behind me. His hand was rubbing against my back trying to get me comfort. Once I realized we were far enough, I grabbed onto Suga's shirt and couldn't help but cry. He pulled me into a hug and honestly it made me feel better.
"Want to tell me what happened? Only if you want t-"
"He's my ex boyfriend" I could tell Suga's faces had anger and shocked. "He cheated on me. He hurt me so much. Why is he back? Why?" I started to cry more. It was a short pause but I felt like I could trust Suga and I didn't know why. "I was coming home from school and I thought I could pass by his house because he said he was home sick." I started to cry more before I continued. "You don't have to continue." "Ani I'm ok but when I went to his house, I opened the door and went to his room... there I found him sleeping with another girl. I t-think I was too boring."
"You're not boring, (y/n)." He lifted my chin to look at him in the eyes...

Sorry it's such a short chapter today. Just came back from my trip and I'm super tired.

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