~18~Better than before

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~Two months later~
It's been two months and things with Yoongi and I are getting better. I miss him so much and this break has its ups and downs.

Yoongi and I are hanging out more often and it's casual talking and funny jokes and I see he's getting more comfortable with me and I like that. He's not as cold hearted as many people say.

The downside is that Alex somehow found out the Yoongi and I are just friends... for now. But, he keeps on persisting me to take him back.

After the party two months ago, he trapped me in a bathroom at the end of it, came to my work three times, and calls me every other week to hangout.

It's driving me crazy but i can handle. I don't want to see others get hurt. Alex is insane. He really needs help.

I'm also thinking of opening a cafe near the building. I love the job I have now but the thing is, I get bored. I mean I always end up tired after each day and having to go early and come home late-.... yea maybe not the best idea. But I sometimes get more breaks than expected. I can maybe to personal dance training or actually go to the gym....

My thoughts were interrupted when I got a notification. I checked who it was: Jungkook.
I opened the message which said,

Hey. Going to the arcade and
movies with Taehyung since
everyone is doing something else.
Wanna join?

I just texted back a "sure" and "meet u at the dorm" and turned off my phone. I got dressed in something more casual since I was literally in sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Right after I started heading back.

I reached the dorm and knocked on the doorbell. I glanced everywhere just admiring the outside. I don't know why but I had a vibe or a feeling that told me, it was going to be a good day today. My admiring stopped when I heard the unlocking and twisting of the doorknob.

"Hey y/n. What are you doing here?" You can obviously tell that he just woke up. He had a plain white shirt on with sweatpants and the bed head. Oh god the bed head made him look sexy and I hated that. He has to be so god damn attractive!
"O-oh just- um- I'm here waiting for kookie and tae. We're hanging out today." I knew I was blushing but I tried containing. You can tell how he knew when he gave a smirk. Our little 'moment' was stopped fortunately  (unfortunately) but the yelling of the maknae.

I responded with a chuckle and a little avoidance of eye contact with Yoongi,
"Yea I am. Ready?"
"Yup" Jungkook said with Tae joining him as he popped out of no where.

During the day, we went to eat then to the movies and finally instead of going to the arcade, the guys and I decide to go bowling.

During our game, I scored some strikes once in a bit and tae and kookie were surprised each time. Tae kept saying how it was an unfair game while kookie kept praising me. I kept chuckling at each complaint or praise.

After the game, we said our goodbyes as I decided to walk home. During my walk home, I feel like someone's following me. I stop and check around but no one. I started to speed walk and still felt the presence. I stop once more and check around but no one. I start running but I reach the end of the block where a car stopped. The window rolled down. My name was called. The familiar voice that makes my name sound like a melody. The one I try to distance from but always get pulled back to: Yoongi...

This one is a little longer. I was planning to make it longer but I decided to put some in the next chapter. I might make this book closer to the ending but I'm still deciding. Should I make it go on for longer or stop after like 5 or less chapters? I'm still deciding but you're opinion does help.

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