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"What do you want, Yoongi? I'm trying to go home."
"Let me give you a ride."
Should I? I mean I can try to make things a little less awkward I guess.
"Fine but just this once."
I got in the car and he started the engine as we started heading over to my place.
"Can we talk about us?"
"What's there to talk about?"
"Please y/n I love you. You know that."
"Then why? After I told you I loved you too, you went to make out with someone. I was in the hospital too. The one person I needed wasn't there!"
"And I'll never be able to live that down but I want to make you happy."
I want to be with him but I don't want to get hurt. What should I do?
"How can I trust you again?"
"By going to dinner with me. And I promise even if we ever spilt up, which I wouldn't want, I won't ever go for anyone else."
"Your happiness doesn't depend on mine."
"But it does. You're my happiness."
I was thinking about his offer. Should I go? I mean, we're not dating and if things aren't going well I can leave.

He stopped and I looked outside and we were in front of my apartment.
"I'll consider."
I left the car and left the conversation at that.
I mean I did get hurt pretty bad. I guess I seriously have the worst relationship past. Maybe I could just say that if our friendship goes well then maybe it can go further. I just need to know I can trust him.

I decided to pull out my phone and just text him:

We have a friendship right now. I want to know I can trust you first. Night

There we go now just send.

I am HONESTLY so sorry for my inactivity. I just had testing then I had two big volleyball tournament with traveling too so it was either I was tooooo tired or my WiFi/data was being horrible. 

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