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It was my last day and I made sure I woke up early to spend my last day here amazing. It was 7:00am and I started the day with a shower. I took a nice shower with warm water. I always think in my shower thinking all the thoughts would wash away along with the water. It got ruined when I stepped out of the shower.

I got dressed but before I saw old scars and new cuts on my arm. Yes, I cut myself. I never know why I keep doing it. It started at the end of high school when I thought everything would be amazing but it was shit. I started to cut myself and I guess it was an addiction. My sister was a freshman in college and my parents were always on business trips so no one stopped me. I was rich I could say and why would a rich girl with an amazing life cut herself? Well life wasn't perfect.

As I walked out wearing a long sleeve to hide my cuts, Min was in front of the door. She looked mad.

"Roll up your sleeve right now!"

I changed my poker expression to shocked real quick but acted like there was nothing under it.

"Roll them up right now"

I sighed knowing she wouldn't let me leave my spot until she got what she wanted. I hesitantly rolled up my sleeve to see her expression look mad but upset like she was gonna break into tears.

"W-why? I thought it wasn't true!!"
"I'm sorry. You thought wrong." I responded softly.
"Why though?"
"Why!? Because no one was there for me when I felt like shit! No one supported me! No one loved me then!!"
"It was then but now is now so please stop."

I saw her tearing up but I just kept a poker face. I lost emotions awhile ago.

I passed her going to my luggage when she grabbed my head making me turn to her.

"Can you a-at least s-stop for a little? ...for me?"
"*sigh* ok fine." I said as I took my arm back and continued to my luggage.

Hope you liked this chapter!! I'll try to put more detail and keep it a good length!🖤🖤

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