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We entered the restaurant and Yoongi went  up to the waitress and ask for his reservation.
"Name please."
"Min Yoongi."
The lady led us to a table decorated with plating, flowers and candles. It was beautiful. Yoongi pulled out a chair for me. Wow what a gentleman. We ordered food and wine and started to talk.
"So (y/n), why were you in the US? Especially alone?"
"Well I went to visit my sister and I don't have any other siblings so I went alone."
"What about your parents? Or do they visit another time?"
"They go at a different time." I lied. I haven't seen my parents in years. I didn't know if they're dead or not. They text me once a month checking up on me or if I need money.
"(Y/n), I hope you don't mind me asking but does your sister know about your...cuts?"
I hold onto the arm that has the cuts on them. "...N-no. She's doesn't" I lied again.
"You stuttered. Come on don't lie to me please."
"(y/n) please. I won't yell at you I promise."
"Fine she does know. She asked me to promise her to stop but I guess I couldn't hold on to that promise."
"How about taking two? Because I don't want you to do it either. Wouldn't it hurt to break two promises?"
I just nodded and we stayed in silent for a bit. Our food finally came.


Once we finished we started to head out. There was little conversation during the time because I guess we were focused on eating but we were just talking about old occupations and fun hobbies. We walked out but Yoongi walked the opposite direction of where he parked his car.
"Yoongs? Where are you going?"
"Yoongs?" He turned with a smirk plastered on.
"U-um I meant Yoongi." I responded with blushing
"Haha ok if you say so. I never said this date was over yet though."
We started walking and it was silent. When we started walking, all I did was look down because I felt awkward.
"So why did you want to bring me to dinner?" I said while breaking the silence. He didn't respond. Out of nowhere I was pinned to a wall. I looked up realizing it was Yoongi. My face grew hot and I was probably a tomato. We were only a couple inches apart. I couldn't help but stare into his eyes. They were beautiful I couldn't stop starring.
"I wish you fell deeply for me like I do for you." He said but it wasn't normal. It was very seductive yet soft. I couldn't move but just stand there. He kept coming closer. My eyes slowly start to fall close. Until the moment was ruined when someone said my name.
That voice. That oh so familiar voice...

No authors note so

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