~12~Blood Loss

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I woke up to an unfamiliar ceiling. It was white along with the walls. That's weird. I remember being in the restroom. I then felt something onto my hand. Something? No someone. Wait no. Some people. I looked to my left seeing three people holding onto my left and three people holding onto my right hand. What happened? I shake both my hands to wake the guys up.

BTS? What are they doing here?

"(Y/N! You're awake! Are you ok??" Jin started which immediately made everyone else wake up. The only person I didn't notice was Suga. My heart sank a little. Maybe he's just in the restroom.

"Guys, where am I? And what happened?"

Jimin was about to speak till Jin pushes him out of the way and started to explain but it sounded a little panicked and rushed.

"The manager told us you were out sick and so we thought we would check up on you and when we got to your house, we found you unconscious on the restroom floor."

"Hmmm... really? Did you guys lock my house?"

I got smacked in the back of the head after I said that, "Really?? That's what you're concerned about?" I nod my head in response "Aish. Yes we did."

After awhile of just talking, I realized Suga wasn't here. Well maybe he just lost interest in me. I mean I can't be surprised. I'm suicidal, not the pretty, and that statement comes to often. The I'm-not-interested-anymore one. It used to break me but now, not anymore.

"We forgot to tell you but they said one of the reasons you passed out was because of the amount of blood loss you had."
"I see" it didn't affect me what I was doing to myself.
"Noona, please stop. For all of us." Ah shit I can't turn down Jungkook. He's too innocent for this and then breaking everyone else, I can't.

"I-I... ok..."


I got released from the hospital and I'm heading back home. I honestly should stop cutting but I need a replacement... oh I know. I remembered I lost my blade once and found a way to replace it.

Finally I'm here, the bar. Yes, drinking is a way to let go but not get harshly injured like cutting.

I started to realize I had one too many drinks I thought I started to hallucinate but I guess it wasn't. I knew it. I'm boring and no one would like me. Right Suga? I'm not hallucinating. You're real and you decided to have a make out session with another girl. And you couldn't possibly be that drunk. Why do I keep living like this?....

Had the longest weekend because of volleyball😭

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