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We just finished dance practice and I was super tired. I was just jet lagged honestly. I packed up my things . I turned around and accidentally bumped into someone. It was Suga.
"Oh um hi Suga."
"Couldn't stay away from me huh?"
"What do you mean?"
"You keep bumping into me. Is it on purpose?"
He was very close and had a smirk on his face. I couldn't help but blush but then I put on a poker face.
"Hm ok if you think so."
I turned away but he turned me back around to face him again.
"Hm I do say. How about some coffee though. Join me?"
I thought about it for a bit but then nodded. We walked out together and headed for a nearby cafe. Once we got there we found a seat and both had on masks so if anyone recognized Suga they wouldn't recognize me.
"So are you a fan?"
"Umm yea I am actually."
"So were your purposely following me? Even willing to join BigHit just to be with me?"
"N-no it's not like that. I didn't even know it was you who I bumped into?"
"Oh so you say you're a fan but can't even recognize who it actually was?"
"No not at all. Suga it's all a coincidence please understand."
But he didn't even hear me out. He got up and left. I sat there alone not knowing what to do. About 10 minutes later, I got up and left for my house. I felt so light headed but I didn't even care. I got home and went to the restroom. I sat a the ground for a bit till I got something from the drawer. A blade. Now I have a reason. Sorry big sis. I love you but I can't keep that promise. I made three cuts.
The next morning I had to get up early because of my new job. I would've quite knowing Suga would probably be even colder to me but I needed to make a living and dancing was something I enjoyed.

After a million years of practicing, we took a break. I went over to where I dropped my stuff and got a water bottle and a towel to clean up my sweat. All of a sudden someone came behind and rolled up my sleeve. It was Suga. Of course.
"Doing this to get attention now?"
He got everyone's attention but they weren't as mad as Suga's. They were more concerned.
"Come on answer me!"
I could feel my eyes watering.
"Suga hyung calm down. She probably has a good reason." Jungkook said from behind.
"Oh come on. Obviously she wants attention."
I couldn't help but cry. I took my arm but not reacting to the pain and ran to the restroom. While I was running I can hear Suga telling of how much attention I wanted while the others were yelling at him for being so cold.

•sorry I had to end here. I'm gonna be inactive for a bit because I'll be on a trip but I'll update as much as possible

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