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I finally got to the restaurant where I usually go when I'm stressed. I guess you could say I'm a usual because whenever I go up to the cashier, they just tell me how much and every time it's the same. I can't get tired of the same thing because when I'm stressed, I can only crave one thing.

I got up to the cashier and immediately pulled out the same amount of cash, but this time it was less. I gave the cashier a confused look and he just responded with,
"You're a friend here. You also seem stressed so I don't want you to pay. Also I never really introduced myself. I'm Hwan."
"Thank you so much! I'm y/n! I'm quite stressed as a matter of fact."
"Would you like to talk about it?"
"Well if you wouldn't mind. Only if you have time too. I don't want to intrude."
"No I don't mind at all. Also I can take a break so. Let me get your food first."
"Thank you!"

I went to go sit down and find a table for me and Hwan. Later, he came over with a tray of food and placed it on the table as he sat across from me.
"Ok so why are you so stressed? It isn't good for your skin you know?"
I chuckle at the last comment but continued,
"Well it's just relationship problems I guess. I don't want to say anything too specific but it feels like I fall for him even more but I feel like I'm getting dragged into a black hole."

"Oh I get you. I understand a lot actually."

"You do? Really?"

"Yea. It was when I first went out with my boyfriend," he's gay?? Not gonna lie but I really wanted a gay friend. No offense to anyone but I just wanted one. Wait I should listen and not get sidetracked. "And he was the hottest guy in school and so I felt so lucky with him, but I worried so much."

"Why would you worry? You liked him and he liked you back?"

"Well I worried because every time I would try to talk to him, a girl would swoop in and started flirting with him. I was jealous! I kept thinking that if I stayed away, he can be free."

"You didn't let him go right??"

"Well I broke up with him and told him he could be free. But it felt like I was being tortured and I started regretting it but sometimes I think it was for the best. Weeks later, we finally made up and he told me that letting me go was the biggest regret of his life."

Maybe letting Yoongi go was mine. I don't know anymore.

"Wow. That's truly a happy ending." I had a sad smile on my face. I want things to work out. I really do but I don't want to get hurt with him cheating on me.

After an hour or so, Hwan had to go back to work and I started cleaning up. I bid him goodbye and exchanged numbers. I packed up and left.

Right when I reached for the door, the door opens and I see 7 laughing guys. They turn in my direction and all of them went completely shocked.


"Oh um Hey guys!"

"What are you doing here?" Jimin starts and the guys look confused.

"Can I not be here? Is it that shocking?" I decided to tease them for a bit.

"N-no it's just I thought you be too tired."
I look back at the boys to notice two missing. That's weird.

"Well I was just on my way out but you guys enjoy. I'll see you all tomorrow! Eat up for the energy!" With that, I left. I started to drive home.

After thinking about what Hwan said, I don't know what to feel.

Yay still have a concussion but I haven't told my coach because I still want to play this weekend because it's a giant tournament. I'll be careful tho!

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