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I started to walk home. I feel really tipsy. Do I have everything? Oh who cares. I was walking home. My eyes felt so heavy. Just a little more. Come on.

Finally I reached my door. When is everything becoming black?

Third POV
Suga was heading home after clearing his mind. Shit why did I do that? If (y/n) saw, she would've been pissed. He thought. He decided to tell her the truth so he stopped by her house. When he went to the front, he saw her lying on the ground with the door opened.


He quickly ran towards her, shaking her to wake up but she didn't. He decided to call a cad knowing he probably wouldn't be able to drive because he did drink and was tipsy but not major drunk to do stupid things. He asked the driver to go to the nearest hospital.

Your POV
Another white ceiling? Seriously? It's your fault, Suga! I would've been at home.


Oh no not this voice. I look up to see him.

"Are you ok?"
"Does it look like I'm ok?"
"Why were you passed out in front of your house?"
"I was drunk." I responded coldly
Because I saw you make out with someone after I confessed to you.
"Nothing, just wanted a drink. How did you find me in front of my house?"
"I wanted to check up on you after... shopping for some things." Lies
"I wanted to see you." Lies. All of them.
"Would there be something wrong with seeing you?"
"Lies" I finally said it out loud. "Guess you didn't realize I was at the same bar."

He couldn't say anything but just had a shocked expression.

"Yo-you saw?"
"Of course I saw! Do you know how much that hurts? I guess I can't be wrong. I mean I'm that person people lose interest in."
"No, you're not!"
"Then why?" Still sounding cold
"...I-I need to relive some stress." Sure you did
"So making out with people relieves stress?" I mean I can't judge, I used to cut myself with the alternative of drinking. What's next?smoking?
"No. I just-"
"Can you leave? I want to rest."

He stood there just staring at me with soft eyes. Don't cry. I can't fall for you. Not right now. I need time.

After some time, he left.....

You just have to push people away huh, y/n?

Hate volleyball sometimes. It keeps me so busy. Plus schoolwork??? 😭😭

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