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I was super excited to go to work today but this morning I woke up and went straight to the restroom to get ready but instead I puked in the toilet. I felt so sick and I don't know what even happened. I decided to call in sick because I couldn't even stand.

To: Manager
Sorry I can't make it. I don't feel so well. I promise to come in tomorrow. Can you also tell the guys to just practice the choreography that we went through yesterday?

From: Manager
Don't worry. Don't rush yourself. Make sure to take care of yourself. I'll tell the guys as well.

I put my phone down and stayed in the restroom for a bit in case I need to puke anymore. I finally got up but I felt tipsy and the last thing I remembered was hitting the bathroom floor before everything went black.

~Jungkook's POV~
Everyone got to the studio and started waiting for (y/n) to come. Suga hyung had a small smile on his face. It was creepy because he usually never smiles. The door opened and we thought it was her but the manager walked in.

"Hey guys, (y/n) is out sick so and she just said to just work on the choreography from yesterday."
"Oh no I hope she's ok. Can we check on her real quick?" I say in response of hearing her be sick.
"I don't see why not. Let me get the car for you guys."
"It's ok we can walk. I mean her house isn't that far and I don't think we will run into many fans."
I look at the guys and they nod in agreement. We put hats and masks on before heading out. We finally reached her house and knocked on the door. After a while she didn't answer. Namjoon hyung decided to try to open the door and by surprise it opened. Of course everyone thought he broke it.
"Namjoon hyung!! You broke her door!"
"No one I didn't it just opened."
Everyone stared at him in disbelief.
"I'm serious guys. You know what? I'll just go in by myself."
Everyone then shook their head and started entering. We all screamed for her name but she didn't respond. Suga and Taehyung hyung, And I went to look upstairs. I decided to look in the restroom.
"(Y/N)!! Someone call an ambulance or something!!"
Taehyung hyung came running, " Jungkook, what's wron- OMG!! Guys look at this!"
All the guys came running in and what we saw unbelievable. (Y/N) was unconscious on the ground. Everyone gasped and was so shocked. Jin hyung decides to take charge, "ok stop starring and help her! I know there is a hospital close by. I'll call the manager to get the car so we get there faster." He then went to call our manager and he showed up real quick.
We put her in the car and started to drive to the hospital. We all entered and the nurses quickly took her and went somewhere else. They said we couldn't come just in case. I actually don't know the reason but we couldn't come. We just waited there patiently.

~Yay new update!!"

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