xlv. impossible » noragami (part three)

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𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘺-𝘧𝘪𝘷𝘦: 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 (𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦)


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     AN UNCOMFORTABLE SILENCE DESCENDS upon us, and the intensity of Yato's eyes makes my skin crawl. They're slitted once again and his fists are clenched by his side. It's as if he knows who my regalia is. Maybe he does. Maybe Kofuku told him. That assumption is quickly dashed at her terrified expression - she didn't tell him. Yukine's eyes are mirroring Daikoku's, the fear and apprehension making my skin crawl.

     "Yato, I need you to calm down," I say quietly. "I am not telling you while you're like this. You've reverted back to a God of Calamity. I don't need him. I need Yato, the one who wants to help everyone."

     Yato breathes out, his pupils expanding as he calms down. "Hiyori, who is it?"

     "It's the one person who could help her remember you," Kofuku interrupts. "So, you have no right to get upset by who it is. Without them, Hiyori wouldn't have her memories."

     "Nora. You made Nora your regalia."

     I look down, tears stinging my eyes. "I didn't have a choice. I had no memories of anyone, and it was the only way."

     "How would you know that you didn't have memories of us?" Yato's voice has a sharp edge to it that makes me flinch. "You wouldn't have known, Hiyori!"

     "Kofuku found me! She ran up to me and hugged me, yelling at me that I was back. I didn't know who she was, and she realised that moments later. She helped me get my memories back, and that meant that we had to use Sumire."

     He just stares at me with unbridled anger.

     "I had no choice, Yato! Don't you see? The first time was bad enough! I couldn't do it again! That void that was blossoming inside me was going to swallow me whole! Kofuku and Daikoku told me stories of us and I wanted it back! I wanted to feel what I felt before!"

     Just like that, his anger flees and he stares at me with wonder. "You wanted to feel what you felt before? What did you feel before, Yori?"

     My eyes widen as I realise what I had let slip. "I... Yato, I..."

     I can't believe that I basically let it slip. I stopped Yato from saying it on my death bed, and, now, I have to stop myself from saying any more. His bright blue eyes are staring at me with an intensity that make my insides feel like they are melting, and a blush to dust my face. The silver light from the moon reflects off his eyes and gives him a serenely surreal look.

     A small hand brushes mine and I look down to see Sumire standing beside me, staring at Yato with dark eyes. All other kanjis are gone from her body. Well, all except for mine and Yato's. The gods and goddesses released Sumire after she helped me, and that meant that she could do no more then become a katana for me and a water-transforming sword for Yato. Although, there is one kanji that she keeps hidden - Mizuchi (螭) - and she told me that it is from someone she calls 'Father'.

     "Nora." Yato's voice is like ice.

     Sumire's eyes sadden.

     I instantly step forward, hiding her from him. "Yato, stop it. She is only a regalia to three gods. Stop treating her like some beast."

     His eyes flash to mine. "Only three? What happened to the rest?"

     "They released her when she helped me. My guess is that they wanted a ruthless and heartless regalia. They didn't want one with a heart."

     Sumire walks around me and steps up to Yato, meeting his gaze evenly. "You can release me as well, if you want, Yato. You don't have to use me."

     Yato takes in her casual clothing and sighs. "I know that I should release you. You are Hiyori's regalia now."

     "You can't do it, can you? I thought as much." She looks back at me and grins, her eyes alight with happiness. "Can you do it? Can you tell him what you told me?"

     I flush and shake my head frantically in panic. "No way!"

     She looks at Yato, gathering her thoughts before beckoning him down. She whispers something in his ear and pulls away with a grin as he shoots back into a standing position, his eyes wide with shock and disbelief. Their brilliant blue meet my glimmering pink-purple and the emotion swirling in them causes my stomach to clench.


     He walks over to me with determination clear on his face. With one hand around my waist and one on the side of my face, he presses his lips to mine without hesitation. My hands latch onto his jumper and I respond to the kiss, moving my lips with his. Not even seconds later, Yukine lets out a vomiting sound, causing Yato and I to pull apart and cheekily grin at the reddening regalia.

     Kofuku grins and skips away, Daikoku following her with a smirk on his face. Sumire smiles in satisfaction and hangs onto Yukine's arm, teasing the ever reddening boy. Yato leaves his arm around my waist as he stands beside me, a warm comfort that I have missed. I smile and watch Yukine and Sumire banter back and forth. We're like a giant family. Kofuku and Daikoku are the crazy aunty and uncle, Bishamon is the homicidal aunt that every family has, Sumire and Yukine are the teenage children that argue constantly, and Yato and I are the parents that have to deal with them all.

     Anything else would have been impossible.

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